Nayib Bukele prioritizes the rights of honest Salvadorans over the rights of criminals – Diario La Huella – 2024-02-13 17:26:53

by times news cr

2024-02-13 17:26:53

“We went from being the most insecure country in the world to being the safest country in the entire Western Hemisphere,” highlighted the President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, who since he took over the reins of the country has prioritized the safety of honest Salvadorans. , above the criminals.

Even so, international organizations pointed out that the Bukele Government was violating the human rights of criminals, who for decades murdered the good population.

“I ask these organizations… these journalists, why do they want us to be killed? Why do they want to see the blood of Salvadorans? Why are they not happy that in our country the blood that was flowing no longer flows? before? Why should we and our children die so that you can be happy that we are respecting your false “democracy” that not even you respect in your own countries?”, he refuted.

Since the implementation of security strategies, led by the Head of State, Salvadoran families feel calmer and live in true peace and freedom.

It should be noted that El Salvador has recorded more than 530 days with zero homicides, allowing it to consolidate itself as an international benchmark in the frontal combat of criminal structures that have damaged the country so much.

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