The 3rd and 4th grades of the Martinsberg middle school at the nature workshop of the Jauerling Nature Park.
Dhe middle schools in Albrechtsberg, Martinsberg and Ottenschlag started together with KLAR at the beginning of the school year! Waldviertel heartland in a new climate school project on the topic of biodiversity and climate change adaptation.
The Martinsberg middle school kicked off with the “Climate Challenge” in the Jauerling Nature Park. In interactive mini-challenges, the 3rd and 4th grade students looked at the difference between weather and climate, the effects of the climate crisis and worked together to develop possible options for action. Over the course of the school year, students will delve deeper into the topics of climate change adaptation and biodiversity. Together with the Wachau tree nursery, they are transforming a fallow area near the Pitzeichen bus stop, which the community graciously made available, into an island of biodiversity with fruit trees and bushes.
The Ottenschlag middle school started the project with a seed collection campaign. Under the expert guidance of Luzia Marchsteiner, the third grade students collected flower seeds for a flower meadow that they will plant on the school grounds.
The aim of the project is to make students aware of their scope for action in dealing with the climate crisis and to create a sustainable understanding of climate change adaptation in everyday life. The project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund.
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2024-10-13 08:15:00