New tariffs for natural gas in Azerbaijan

by times news cr

New tariffs for natural gas have been established in Azerbaijan.

As Day.Az reports, the decision was made at a meeting of the Tariff Council.

“The average domestic gas tariff in Azerbaijan is below cost. New tariff regulation was required to prevent economic losses, ensure profitability and attract investment,” the council said.

The gas tariff for centralized boiler houses in apartment buildings has not changed as part of the state’s social policy and encouraging the efficient use of energy resources.

Volumes of annual consumption for the population:

  • the tariff for 1 cubic meter of natural gas for consumption up to 1200 cubic meters was increased by 0.5 qepik (4.2%), from 12 to 12.5 qepik;
  • the tariff for consumption from 1200 to 2500 cubic meters was increased by 2 qepik (10%), from 20 to 22 qepik;
  • the tariff for consumption over 2500 cubic meters was increased by 5 qepik (20%), from 25 to 30 qepik.

The average tariff for 1 cubic meter of natural gas for the population was increased by 1.3 qepik (8.7%).

After the tariff change, the following increase in the average monthly cost of services for the population is expected:

  • for 48% of subscribers – 32 qepik;
  • for 39% of subscribers – 1 manat 43 qepik;
  • for 13% of subscribers (consuming more) – 7 manat 46 qepik.

As can be seen, for 48% of the population the tariff for 1 cubic meter of natural gas was increased at the lowest possible level – 0.5 qepik (4.2%).

The tariff for natural gas used for electricity production was increased by 2 qepik (12.1%), from 16.5 to 18.5 qepik, the tariff for 1 cubic meter of natural gas for industry and agriculture was increased by 2 qepik (9% ), from 22 to 24 qepik.

We previously reported that the Tariff Council of Azerbaijan revised prices for a number of utility services.

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