Norwegian Sami Politician Sandra Andersen Eira Hospitalized with Brain Injury After Combat in Ukraine

by time news

The‍ Sami parliament politician‌ Sandra Andersen Eira says she is in ‌the hospital and has been diagnosed with ​brain damage as a result of multiple attacks while fighting in Ukraine.

According to TV ‌2, ⁣Eira is hospitalized together with her Ukrainian husband. She is said to have been diagnosed with brain damage through an MRI ⁣scan.

– Not a big surprise.⁤ But it’s still annoying to ⁤have it confirmed. I am surprised ⁢to be alive at all, Eira writes on Facebook.

Nettavisen has previously told the story of when Eira met donald Trump’s ‍assassin: ⁣Norwegian Sandra (38) was in contact​ with the assassin

– After‍ an airstrike, we were quite badly injured and we could not be evacuated. We were bombed daily⁢ by tanks and kamikaze drones while we⁣ were injured, which didn’t help, says Andersen Eira to TV 2.

Sandra Andersen Eira represents the ​Norwegian Sámi Association (NSR) in the Sámi Parliament. She⁣ has been a deputy representative but was promoted to ⁣a permanent representative⁣ when Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen ‌resigned from all positions earlier ‍this month.

this is Sandra Andersen Eira

  • From Porsanger in East Finnmark.
  • Born ⁤in 1986.
  • Former fisherman ⁣and Sámi parliament politician.
  • Fought​ on the Ukrainian side against ⁤Russia ⁣since 2022.
  • Married Ukrainian⁤ “Jabari” in ‍November 2023.
  • Part of the Ukrainian 37th ⁣Marine Brigade.
  • Wanted by Russia. (Imprisoned in absentia).

SOLDIERS: Sandra Andersen Eira along with other foreign fighters.
Photo: Private

She⁣ will not be able to attend‌ the Sámi Parliament’s ‍plenary meeting next week,‍ reports TV 2.

iFinnmark has previously reported how the Sámi Parliament​ covers her travel expenses from the⁢ front in Ukraine. Eira⁢ has recently been promoted⁤ to a permanent representative in the Sámi Parliament.

Read also: Putin says he can reach Ukraine’s “decision centers”

Read also: Ukrainian attack: – Likely they knew about‍ North Koreans⁣ there

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