Omar Meir: The Youngest Maccabi Tel Aviv Player to Make History in EuroLeague

by time news

2023-12-06 13:34:14
Maccabi Tel Aviv’s young player makes history on the EuroLeague stage

Last Thursday, Maccabi Tel Aviv faced off against Alba Berlin in what many consider to be an easy win for the Israeli team. However, the game was not forgettable for one player in particular. Seventeen-year-old Omar Meir made history by becoming the youngest Maccabi player ever to score points in any European framework, securing a three-pointer at just 17 years and 53 days old.

Meir has been making waves in the Israeli basketball scene for the past year, leading Maccabi’s youth team to a big double in the 11th grade. He also impressed in a tournament with Sharon Abrahami’s youth team, which reached the quarterfinals of the European Championship.

Maccabi Tel Aviv’s professional manager of the youth department, Oren Aharoni, spoke highly of Meir, praising his maturity, professionalism, and leadership on the court. Similarly, Adi Amos, who has also worked closely with Meir in the youth department, emphasized his readiness and ability to understand and navigate different game situations.

Despite his young age, Meir has already made the bold decision to join Maccabi Tel Aviv’s senior team, bypassing other offers to play for a team in the national league or to join the senior team of Maccabi Tel Aviv without a double ticket. According to his agent, Nadav Mor, and Maccabi’s sporting director, Abi Even, the decision was made collectively with the club, which has invested in Meir’s development over the years and believes in his potential as a player.

Meir’s determination and talent have also impressed his teammates, such as Lorenzo Brown and Bonzie Colson, who have taken him under their wing and supported his growth on and off the court.

While Meir’s immediate future with the Euroleague team may not involve significant playing time, his potential and commitment to the sport are undeniable. At just 17, he has already carved out a place for himself in the distinguished history of Maccabi Tel Aviv, and the basketball world awaits to see where his talent and dedication will take him in the years to come.
#Outstanding #student #young #talent #Maccabi #Tel #Aviv

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