On Sunday the curfew ends in Spain and you can travel between the Regions

by time news

Time.news – At midnight between Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 May the Spaniards will celebrate the of the state of declared by the government on March 14, 2020 to contain the outbreak of .

The obligation to wear a mask and the limitation of capacity and hours in public places, from museums to bars, from churches to theaters will remain in force. On the other hand, there will no longer be perimeter lockdowns and it will again be possible to travel between regions, with the exception of high-impact areas that may still be closed. The curfew will also be lifted, which will remain in force only in the Balearic Islands and in the Valencia region, where local administrations had appealed to their respective higher courts to maintain it.

Similar initiatives in the Basque Country and Navarre were unsuccessful, where the courts rejected the request. The Canaries have also asked the higher court to maintain the curfew from 11pm to 6am but are still awaiting the verdict. Catalonia, for its part, has been given the green light by the judges to limit the gatherings to a maximum of six people.

On loosening or tightening of the limitations, the regional judiciary will be competent. In the Madrid region from May 9, meetings in private homes between non-cohabitants will be allowed, while cinemas, theaters and concert halls may remain open until midnight as long as there is a free seat between spectator and spectator and everyone sits in a pre-assigned seat. In Navarre, however, indoor activities in bars, restaurants, bingo halls and game rooms will remain prohibited. The authorities of Asturias, another of the regions with the most stringent measures, are in the process of announcing a map of localized restrictions.


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