Only a group of farmers protested Farm Laws | India

by time news

New Delhi: The Center has issued a ‘note’ explaining the facts and reasons before introducing the bill to repeal agricultural laws in Parliament. The note clarifies the motives and reasons for withdrawing the law. The Central Government is blaming a group of farmers who stood against the rules in the note for Members of Parliament.

The Central Government describes the agricultural laws as laws enacted for the ‘upliftment of the farmers’. The Center claims that it has worked hard to convince the farmers of the importance of the rules. Although only a group of farmers protested against the rules, the government tried to convince them of the importance of the rules.

According to a note signed by Agriculture Minister Narendra Tomar, the benefits of the law have been explained in several meetings. The law allowed farmers to sell their produce to anyone at will. Farmers can deal directly with big traders, avoiding intermediaries. The central government claimed that these were demands raised by farmers and agricultural experts for years.

Announcing the repeal of the law, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Only a few are protesting.” The Prime Minister had said that he was trying to convince the farmers of the importance and regretted that it was not possible. The central government has announced the repeal of agricultural laws after 15 months of farmers’ protests.

English Summary: “Only Group Of Farmers Protesting”: Government In Farm Laws Repeal Note


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