Open the secret! carbohydrates in vegetables that diabetic patients can choose to eat, peaceful disease: PPTVHD36

by time news

It is known that vegetables, of course, that they are the source. The importance of many nutrients They include potassium, fiber and vitamin C, which promote good health and may reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. So what’s the secret? that must be opened Ping Pong! Carbohydrates that are useful for diabetics. Because when the body receives carbohydrates, it can be converted into glucose in the blood immediately. Therefore, carbohydrate control is one of the important ways to control blood sugar.

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American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association (ADA) The appropriate carbohydrate intake for diabetics varies from person to person depending on their disease state. expected blood sugar level and energy required each day Want to know how much carbohydrates you should be eating? You may use a method to measure your blood sugar before eating. And 1-2 hours after eating and should keep the blood sugar level below 140 mg / dL because if higher, it can cause nervous system damage.

Carbohydrates can be divided into two main groups:

  • Simple carbohydrates (Simple carbohydrate) can be broken down and absorbed into blood sugar quickly, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose, etc., found in soft drinks, sweet drinks or various sweetened beverages.
  • Complex carbohydrates (Complex carbohydrates) can be broken down and absorbed into blood sugar more slowly than simple carbohydrates, such as various types of starchy rice, plain milk, cereals and starchy vegetables, etc.

Now, let’s look at the amount of vegetables. How many carbohydrates does each type have? ?

Spinach (raw)

  • 1 cup: 1 gram of carbs

Spinach is not only rich in vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin C. But it also has a variety of benefits.

Garlic (raw)

  • 1 clove: 1 gram of carbohydrates

Many people think of garlic as more of a spice and condiment. because it is not used in large quantities to flavor food But actually a vegetable that is beneficial to health, especially cancer-fighting.

Kale (raw)

  • 1 cup: 1 gram of carbs

Nutritional Value of Kale Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that protect you from chronic diseases.

Celery (raw)

  • 1 stalk (40 g): 2.2 g carbs

Celery is full of water, fiber, and minerals. It can help you stay hydrated. maintain normal and lower your blood pressure.


  • 1/2 cup: 1.9 grams of carbs

In addition to moisturizing the skin and body, cucumbers have many health benefits. Good for weight management and heart health. The antioxidants and fiber contained in cucumbers help prevent other chronic illnesses such as cancer.


  • 1/2 cup cooked: 2.2 g carbs

Did you know? Mushrooms are one of the few plant sources of vitamin D. It is also full of B vitamins, potassium and fiber to promote gut health.


  • 1/2 cup chopped: 3.4 g carbs

Onions are loaded with antioxidants that may help lower blood pressure. boost immunity and protect your heart too

Tomatoes (raw)

  • 1/2 cup sliced: 3.5 grams carbs

tomatoLoaded with antioxidants and potassium. This combination is especially helpful in keeping your heart and arteries healthy and regulating blood pressure. Additionally, the compound lycopene in tomatoes may help protect your skin from the sun and reduce the risk of gland cancer.prostate

bell pepper

  • 1/2 cup chopped: 3.5 grams carbs

Chili is sweet, but it’s also very low in carbs. and full of antioxidants and vitamin C.


  • 1/2 cup: 3.7 grams of carbs

One serving (half a cup) of asparagus provides 34 percent of your daily value for folate and 39 percent of your daily vitamin A needs. Folate is important for cell growth and especially important for women.womb Vitamin A is good for your eyes, and recent research suggests that vitamin A may also benefit the skin.

Corn (boiled)

  • 1/2 cup: 15.6 grams of carbs

It is a low-carb, high-fiber vegetable. Corn also contains phytochemicals and fiber that are good for gut health.

Baked Potatoes

  • 1 medium (2.5 inch): 33.9 g carbs

Potatoes have a bad reputation. Especially when it comes to carbohydrates. But while potatoes are higher in carbs than other vegetables, that doesn’t mean they’re bad for you. One medium-sized red potato contains more than 20% of your daily requirement for potassium and 25% of your daily requirement for vitamin C. And a variety of B vitamins that play an important role in body functions such as energy metabolism.

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Advice for people with diabetes

  • Choose to consume food from all 5 food groups, taking into account the energy obtained from food approximately from carbohydrates (starch), about 55-60%, protein (meat), about 15-20%, and about 25% fat.
  • Those who are overweight should have to reduce the amount of food. It may be gradually reduced to half the amount that was normally eaten.
  • Eat foods that are rich in fiber to aid in bowel movements.
  • Avoid fussy eating and eating at irregular times.
  • Try to eat a consistent amount of food at every meal.
  • If you have symptoms of kidney disease or high blood pressure Salty foods should be avoided.
  • Even if the blood sugar level is normal, you should continue to control your diet.

Foods that should not be eaten when having diabetes

  • all kinds of sugar including honey
  • sweet fruit or sweet processed fruit
  • Soft drinks with sugar, sweetened beverages, candies, various desserts
  • Deep-fried or battered snacks

Information from : eatingwell, Bangkok Hospital

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