Operation Transit, an eloquent example of close cooperation between Morocco and Spain (Spanish official)

by times news cr

In a statement to MAP, following the meeting of the Moroccan-Spanish joint transit commission, held under the co-chairmanship of Mr. Khalid Zerouali, Wali Director of Migration and Border Surveillance, and the Spanish official, Ms. Crisóstomo affirmed that close communication and cooperation between the two countries will ensure the success of Operation Transit and manage any situation that may arise during the operation.

“We noticed during the meeting that we had already prepared everything and that the Strait crossing operation (Operation Marhaba) will be successful this year like in previous years,” she continued, adding: “thanks “From the information we exchanged during the meeting, we know that we are ready and that there is coordination between us.”

“This is a clear example of cooperation between the two friendly and brotherly countries, which have accumulated great experience in recent years, organizing an operation of such scale,” noted the Spanish official.

In this regard, she stressed that “the transit of more than 3 million people and 700,000 vehicles in a short period of time constitutes an organizational challenge for both countries, which can be met through prior preparation and coordination. coordination between the authorities of the two countries, as well as technical work and consultation between the authorities contributing to the operation.

“It is an operation that the two countries organize jointly every year, in order to ensure that the transit operation of people during the summer period takes place smoothly, in complete safety, and in good conditions at the both going and returning,” she concluded.

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