Opposition asks the federal government to desist from Mexicana and Olinia

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The opposition in the Senate asked the president, Claudia Sheinbaumdesist from continuing to invest in projects such as Mexican Aviation and the Mexican car manufacturer Oliniawhich they claim do not have the planning studies to be profitable.

Enrique Vargas, vice coordinator of the PAN senators, stated that the cancellation of eight routes of Mexican Aviationis a consequence of very poor administration and planning and therefore will demand that the president stop the “whims” of the 4T.

He recalled that this airline only transported 0.3% of the passengers in the country, and “it is a consequence of the fact that they could no longer fly… What they say is that they were routes that were not needed, because they are completely wrong, because in Acapulco for For example, there was an occupancy rate in the hotels of more than 95 percent and obviously these are routes that are needed,” said the PAN member.

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Opposition calls Mexicana de Aviación a “whim”

Likewise, he mentioned that last year, the Government lost 900 million pesos, “because it is one thing to invest, but on this occasion they lost their way by subsidizing an idea that is not going to work like Gas Bienestar, like Dos Bocas, which has not refined a single liter of gasoline and those are the consequences of the fact that there is no longer money and that is why they had to stop those routes,” he said.

Furthermore, he questioned the creation Olinia“now it turns out that they want to create an automotive company, a construction company with the Infonavit issue with the 2.2 billion pesos, which they want to take from the workers to build houses and rent them, the government cannot do that, those are issues of the entrepreneurs.”

Another member of the opposition, the PRI senator, Claudia Anayasaid that companies like Train Mayathe hotels of the Train Mayathe Dos Bocas refinery and the purchase Mexicana of Aviation as a brand to create an aviation company, they were created by steam, which do not originate from a market study or cost-benefits.

“They are companies that were not well designed from their planning, since they cost much more than what they originally stated they would cost, and that surely in the long term or never will have profits for the Mexican State, and therefore we would have to be subsidizing them with resources,” he said.

Regarding the particular case of Mexicana, the legislator from Zacatecas recalled that one year 30 billion pesos were invested and “it is going backwards, not only are they closing routes.”

“I see in the words of President Sheinbaum that they are not going to give up, they are already talking about new aircraft rentals, about continuing to inject public money into this project that has neither head nor tail, created very quickly and that has generated distortions in the aeronautical market,” he asserted.

Subsidies to companies are disapproved

He regretted that the subsidy to these companies causes there to be “less money for roads, less money for social infrastructure works, less money for medicines, less money for hospitals. But, there are the whims of the 4T.”

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Meanwhile, the president of the PRI and the coordinator of that party in the Senate, Alejandro “Alito” Moreno and Manuel Añorve, respectively, criticized the erratic management of Mexicana de Aviación, which was relaunched in the last administration.

In relation to the announcement of an upcoming “master plan” to try to solve the operational problems of Mexicana de Aviación, Alejandro Moreno, member of the opposition, He described the measure as improvised and meaningless, proposed out of hand to try to contain user discontent.


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