Fabio Agostini will add his third consecutive reality show on Channel 13, after being the winner of Tierra Brava and having a brief stint on Win or Serve?.
Word of honor It continues to prepare for its premiere on Channel 13 and now it added two new participants, who are already “old acquaintances” of the reality format: Oriana Marzoli and Fabio Agostini.
Oriana Marzoli, who is currently in Win or Serve?will add his fifth participation in a reality television program in our country and declared “it is not the same for the rest as it is for me to endure a reality show. There is a higher expectation of me, and I feel that I have to fulfill what the public wants to see from me, so I try three times as hard as many of those who are there. And I don’t think there are many characters who have done five reality shows in Chile.”
Asked about her expectations for Word of Honor, the Venezuelan-Spanish acknowledged that “my relationship with the discipline is null. I go to the gym when I feel like it, I don’t follow a routine, I try to go almost always when I’m in Madrid. And I don’t really like being bossed around, it gets on my nerves when someone comes in with the desire to be a general when he’s not a real general. For some reason I never wanted to enter military service.”
For its part, Fabio Agostini will add his third consecutive reality show on Channel 13, after being the winner of Brave Land and have a brief passage through Win or Serve?, from which he left after a dispute with Luis Mateucci.
“I don’t come here to waste time, I come to watch another reality show. This is going to be my revenge. I have been wanting to return, I got the bug after Win or Serve?…I think there is still a lot of Agostini to give. This is a new challenge, a new reality show, and that motivates me,” the Spaniard declared to Channel 13.
Along these lines, he hopes that Word of honor some of his former colleagues can join Brave Land, stating that “I would like to meet again with Pamela, with Nico, with Miguelito. I made good friends with them. I would also like to meet Faloon again, because in Win or Serve? We saw very little of each other and I was left wanting to get to know her more. And I don’t care if I meet those I don’t like, because if they want to get on my nerves, I’ll get them out first.”