This charming seaside town is renowned for its lagoon populated with migratory birds, its ideal microclimate and its fine sandy beaches. Oualidia, which is home to a large number of oyster farms, is also popular for the quality of its oysters and seafood marked by the richness of their food constituents.
This peaceful little town also offers the opportunity to practice water sports, notably surfing which attracts many amateurs and professionals, or even boat trips with family or friends. The city is known for being home to one of the first, if not the first surf school in Morocco, founded in 1991.
In a statement to MAP, the president of the association of lagoon excursion boats, Mohamed Natiki indicates that the walks on an 8-kilometer circuit allow national and international tourists to see migratory birds up close and appreciate even better the beauty and diversity of sites and landscapes.
These walks are the most pleasant means of transport to discover the many tourist sites far from the center of this city, which bears the name of the Saadian Sultan El Oualid Ben Zidane. The remains of a kasbah dating from 1634 continue to tell the story of this era and the importance of Oualidia’s geographical position. This monument has been classified as a cultural site by the supervisory ministry, just like the marabout Sidi Moussa, dating back more than 450 years.
For her part, Malika Hachimi, owner of a hotel establishment, noted that professionals are impatiently awaiting the high summer season to increase their turnover, given the large influx of visitors from all regions. of the Kingdom, adding, in a statement to MAP, that this pearl of the Atlantic is today known worldwide.
Ms. Hachimi added that the city, nicknamed the pearl of the Atlantic, is an internationally renowned tourist destination and constitutes a gateway to the province of Sidi Bennour, stressing that it enjoys all the tourist and entertainment assets which make it a privileged destination.
Oualidia has, in fact, reception infrastructures in hotel units, restaurants as well as green spaces and for children. And so many other assets that promote relaxing, sporting and ecological tourism.