Peppertones celebrates its 20th debut anniversary today… Commemorative album ‘Self-Celebration’ next month

by times news cr

2024-03-23 22:52:07

New album ‘Twenty Plenty’ released


The band ‘PEPPERTONES’ celebrates their 20th birthday with a new album and concert.

According to their agency Antenna on the 23rd, Peppertones will release their 20th anniversary album ‘Twenty Plenty’ on April 17th at 6 PM.

Today is the 20th anniversary of Peppertones’ debut. The team debuted on March 23, 2004 with the release of their first EP, ‘A Preview’.

Formed in 2003 by KAIST graduates Shin Jae-pyeong (43, guitar) and Lee Jang-won (43, bass), this team presented unique bright and healthy music with a densely packed progressive sound based in front of Hongik University.

Based on electronica, they built on jazz and bossa nova, and gained support for their sophisticated music in the ‘Shibuya-kei’ style of the Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo, Japan, which has been very popular since the 1990s.
They experienced their first inflection point in 2012 with their 4th full-length album, ‘Beginner’s Luck’. Starting with ‘Beginner’s Luck’, we transitioned to a band sound. Going one step further, they aimed for the sound of a 1960s band in their 5th album ‘HIGH-FIVE’ in 2014. The pretty and perfect music gave us room to build more empathy as we got older and had more time to spare.

Their previous work, their 6th full-length album ‘Long Way’, released in May 2018, had a strong sense of balance. The progressive sound of the early stages of activity and the band sound of the later stages were in harmony. Marking their 20th year of formation, they reached another inflection point with their 7th full-length album ‘Thousand Years’, released in 2022, containing weighty sound and lyrics. It is expected that ‘Twenty Plenty’, released after 1 year and 7 months, will also show new changes.

Peppertones will also hold a concert commemorating its 20th anniversary of its debut, ‘Party Plenty’, on June 22nd and 23rd.


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2024-03-23 22:52:07

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