Phishing Attack Ios Device, greater risk of phishing on iOS devices, Lookout report reveals – ios devices at greater risk of phishing attacks says lookout

by times news cr

Apple’s iOS devices are considered the most secure in the world. It is believed that breaking into Apple devices is extremely difficult. This is the reason why iOS devices are preferred more than Android devices. But a report has revealed that all Apple devices including iOS device based iPhone, Macbook, iPad are at high risk of phishing attack, which has increased the concern of the users using iOS devices.

More phishing attacks on iOS devices

Quoting a report from Lookout, a Boston-based data centric security company, it has been claimed that iOS devices are more dangerous for web content threads and phishing than Android. In simple words, cyber attacks are mostly carried out on iOS devices. This research has been conducted during the July to August 2024 calendar year.

Credential theft attacks are most common on iOS devices.

Researcher Lookout Thread Lab claims that enterprise-focused credential theft and phishing attacks have been carried out in the last quarter, especially on iOS devices. There has been an increase of about 17 percent, whereas compared to the previous quarter, a growth of 32 percent has been recorded in malicious app detection.

iOS is more dangerous than Android

Nearly 19 enterprise iOS devices were exposed to at least one mobile phishing attack in each of the first three quarters in 2024, according to the Lookout report. Additionally, 10.9 percent of enterprise Android devices were each exposed to at least one mobile phishing attack. Lookout said mobile threat rates are experiencing rapid growth as cybercriminal groups change their tactics and target mobile devices.

how to protect

The ways to avoid phishing attacks are very simple. For this, users should not click on any unknown link. Also, any app should be checked before giving permission. Anti virus should be used in the phone.

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