Poetess Tatyana Nazarova: “What happened to Pugacheva is a disaster!”

by time news

Laureate of the all-Russian television festival “Song of the Year” Tatyana Nazarova herself performs at chamber concerts and festivals. Yes, yes, she also sings and has created four solo albums. She is a professional singer by training. Anyone who has ever heard her voice, chest, powerful, so unexpectedly dear, becomes an eternal admirer of her creations.

The secret of “Nazar” texts, music, performance, catching the listener from the first lines and notes, is absolutely simple. As this multifaceted woman herself likes to repeat, everything that she undertakes comes “from the heart”. And Tatyana Nazarova’s is brave, devoted and generous.

With the beginning of the CBO, the life of many creative personalities turned upside down. How this woman-orchestra lives and breathes today – in the exclusive material of MK.

– From lyrical songs about love, a beautiful life, you switched to patriotic themes and even dedicated a song to the President of Russia “We are Putin’s personal army.” How to explain it?

– Isn’t it possible to combine love for a person, lyrics and love for the Fatherland, patriotism?

For example, I wrote the song “Salute to the Heroes” in 2010. It is dedicated to the 1945 Victory Parade under the command of Marshal Georgy Zhukov. The song sounds courageous performed by the wonderful actor Sergei Makhovikov. Sounds like a march.

And the song about Putin appeared after the return of Crimea in 2015. I then gave concerts in the Crimea with the former Freestyle soloist Sergey Kireev. He comes from Gorlovka. At the same time, in connection with the general patriotic upsurge, the idea was born that all those millions of people who supported the annexation of Crimea are our army.

And so the song “We are Putin’s personal army” appeared. I recorded it in my home studio and sent it to a journalist friend. He edited the video and posted it on the Internet. And in a few days, the video gained hundreds of thousands of views.

Threats and insults from the Ukrainian side rained down on me, accusations of conjuncture. And a few days later I was attacked by journalists. But I’m not a conjunctural person at all. What I feel is what I write.

– Did you sing a song about Putin at your concerts?

– Of course. Once the Russian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Oleg Ozerov invited me to speak in Riyadh at a solemn event in honor of the 70th anniversary of our Victory. I managed to persuade a familiar DJ – an adventurous fearless guy Ilyas Mamatov – and we flew. From the porthole, when we sat down, I saw piles of stones, tents scattered across the desert. Later I asked the driver who drove us to the hotel, “What is this?”. “These are nomadic Bedouins. Here you, for example, like to go to the reservoirs when it’s hot. And the Bedouins go to the desert, to the sands.”

The event was held at the site of the Embassy of Kazakhstan. Representatives of 140 countries came here. Flags hung, and the two of us represented Russia at the concert.

On the same day, an action of memory was held in Moscow – the Immortal Regiment. They also talked about this. Everyone was on the rise and admired that Russia so honors the memory of its heroes.

– Did you become famous after the start of cooperation with Freestyle?

– Maybe yes. In the spring of 1991, fate brought me to Anatoly Rozanov, the leader of this then popular group from Poltava. He was its founder, composer.

We recorded two songs and went to shoot in Moscow at Luzhniki. From the room, I called a colleague to whom I had previously shown my work. He asks: “Have you sold God with you to anyone?” “Not yet”.

Then he said that on Friday in the program “Morning Mail” Pugachev would sing a song called “God is with you” to the words of Nikolaev. I then was upset to tears! This is called stealing an idea, that is, a name.

On Friday we turn on the TV – indeed, Pugacheva sings the song “God is with you.” I left, I didn’t look, I walk and mumble “God will punish you.” And suddenly poems were born, and then a song with the same name. It was later performed by Vadim Kazachenko, one of the Freestyle soloists.

We worked together with Freestyle for seven years. For some time they even lived with my husband in Poltava. The first two years – in Rozanov’s house in a small room across the wall from the studio. Our daughter Masha was also born there. And then for 4 thousand dollars they bought a one-room apartment in Poltava. When they left, they sold it.

Alas, fate has sharply parted us on opposite sides of the barricade – “Freestyle” today sings absolutely anti-Russian songs. And the music for them, of course, is written by Rozanov. And if before the guys sang in Russian, now they sang exclusively in Ukrainian. Moreover, the former Freestyle soloist Sergei Dubrovin still uses my trademark. And he says that I allowed it. But this is not true.

– Now you live in Sochi, but was there a period when you worked and lived in Moscow?

– Yes, from 1998 to 2002. With Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy, we were co-authors of beautiful songs for Nikolai Baskov, Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova and other outstanding performers.

Once I brought him a pack of my texts, and he selected four poems. He sang “Crystal Glass” himself, for Allegrova the song “Island of a Thousand Kisses” happened. I also liked one melody by Krutoy, and I subtexted it. Krutoy tried to find a performer for the future song, showed it to many, but in the end, only Nikolai Baskov had the voice to sing it. It was an instrumental work with a very large range – the song “You are my light”, except for Baskov, is unlikely to be mastered by anyone else.

– What was your cooperation with Alla Pugacheva?

– Alla usually closed her concerts with two songs: “The Game” to my poems and “Live, Country” to the poems of Larisa Rubalskaya. Pugacheva asked me to remake the text of the “Game” specifically for her. He went through several edits. Then Alla herself polished something.

There were even lines that I did not write. For example, the phrase “I was so sexy” was not in my text. This is not my style.

By the way, I consider Alla’s recent act of leaving Russia a disaster. Alla sang a very strange, in my opinion, song “War”, in which there were words that war is “a mistress without a face.” Not true. War is a tragedy with a face, and it cannot be overlooked.

– Do you sell your poems, songs to performers? How does this happen?

– This is the process that I hate the most. Rozanov and I, probably, therefore broke up. He knew that I was embarrassed to name the price, and he used this moment. In the end, I got tired of providing him with material well-being.

One day a man came to Rozanov and me and ordered four songs for the singer Felix Tsarikati. For each he paid $600 ($300 for poetry, $300 for music). By the way, the hit “Oh, what a woman” cost only $ 300.

In general, I think that such sales should be handled by a separate person. In the world of show business, anything is possible. For example, songs that ultimately did not become hits went unnoticed, the authors sold even 10 thousand dollars each. I have a singer friend who spent 80 thousand dollars to buy a song with all the “pies”, including the video. In general, now one arrangement by a good specialist costs up to 10 thousand euros.

I try to stay away from all this. In all our lives, we have not earned a separate housing. It’s good that there is an apartment received during the Soviet era, and grandmother’s dacha. I remember how my husband and I went to the registry office on Vernadsky Avenue. Ilona Bronevitskaya helped us organize everything. And there was not a penny in his pockets. We found 10 kopecks on the floor of the trolley bus and gave it to the controller.

– Is there something in the works now?

– Not. Or rather, songs are not written, not sung to me. And poetry – yes: she wrote lines on the death of Daria Dugina, a dedication to the torn residents of Kupyansk.

I am now going through a difficult period: I live in the country with my mother, whom I take care of. In my care – do not believe it, 25 pets – 10 dogs that were thrown to me, and 15 incoming cats. I don’t know why they throw all these unfortunates over the fence at me.

And then a long and nasty story happened. The fact is that this dacha, where we now live, is fifty years old. My grandmother also bought it. So, for a long time we did not have any neighbors nearby. And then they appeared.

So that you understand their essence, I will tell you what they do. These people are the so-called land speculators. They buy objects at a low price, build a marathon, and then sell at exorbitant prices. Near me, it looks like they decided to settle permanently. When they pulled gas to themselves at a crazy millionth price through my site, they were so smiling, friendly. I didn’t take a dime from them.

And when these neighbors arranged everything for themselves, I began to notice how my pets began to die one by one. It started four years ago. I could not understand the reason, and decided to put some cameras.

The secret became clear: the video recordings revealed terrible facts. It turned out that the neighbors were planting poisoned food on my territory for my four-legged wards. Everything in me roared with despair. I grabbed an ax and ran to the gates of the neighbors! And in the end, the police arrived very quickly.

As I remember this day – January 14, 2022. Then there was an investigation under the article “Attempted murder of two or more persons”, then a trial. I was given a year of probation. It happened this November. We have now filed an appeal.

– And what about the video facts?

– Modern law on animal rights is structured in such a way that in my case it is very difficult to prove the fact of a crime, that there was poison in the thrown piece.

I tried to do research in the laboratory, but there is no such specialized laboratory in Sochi at all. I tried to find something similar in the Krasnodar Territory – in vain. My hands dropped. And then I wrote poetry. I ordered a large banner, where I printed them along with photographs of my dead animals. I hung the banner in my garden, but in such a way that people passing along the street could read my cry of the soul. What else could I do?! I’m a poetic person. I write about what is in my heart. People stopped, read, understood everything. Many sympathized.

– And how is your dramatic situation developing now?

– At the trial, the neighbors said that they didn’t know me at all. In response, I was perplexed: “You came to me for permission to pass gas through my site, took seedlings from me, attended my concerts!” A police officer told me that even his boss was stunned by their impudence.

When I heard my sentence, I almost fainted. I am the injured person, I was not going to maim anyone. Neighbors also filed a lawsuit against me for one and a half million for moral damage. The judge already jumped in surprise when the neighbors announced the amount. As a result, the minister of Themis ordered me to pay 10 thousand rubles to improve the well-being of my neighbors.

It turns out that they have health to climb on my fences and roofs, but how to go to court – ends abruptly?

Tatyana and I are talking on the phone, and barking, howling, squealing is periodically heard behind the scenes.

– I’m here with them in the same room of nine square meters. Our house is small. It’s already evening, and the dogs are spending the night with me. I’m afraid to let them out. At night, I can’t control the territory.

– Do you have an outlet?

– I like to go to the mountains. I love decorating the world with flowers that I plant where I live. In general, all my life I have been fighting for real, simple human values. When I worry, I feel something very important in myself, I start speaking in verse. The rhymes go by themselves. This is how we live, hurrying and dreaming that somewhere far away, there is an area of ​​​​paradise. You expect something like this, without really knowing what. When you suddenly realize in an ominous night – some simple things are priceless.

The one who feeds you dinner

The one who will cover with a warm blanket,

The one who hugs and quietly says:

Everything will be fine!

The one who gives roses in winter

The one who wipes the tears of sorrow,

The one who will love to the grave,

Just like that, no way!

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