Police officers were prosecuted for extortion

by times news cr

The patrolmen Cristhian Giovanny Urueña Barrero, Jensen Felipe Castillo Dorado, Yersson Andrés Pena Chicangana and Frank Pier Vargas Carvajal were charged by the Attorney General’s Office as alleged co-authors of the crime of concussion.

Now the events investigated occurred on November 9, 2023, when the uniformed officers presumably requested documents from the driver of a private vehicle. During the procedure, it is believed, they assured that the car was required by a Popayán criminal court so they had to immobilize the car and transferred the victim to a CAI. To avoid the judicial process they would have demanded the payment of 3 million pesos.

This fact was reported by the affected person to the Military Gaula. Judicial police work allowed us to determine that The complainant received intimidating phone calls demanding payment of the money.

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The coordinated work between servers of the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) and Gaula carried out the controlled delivery of the money that was demanded from the citizen, who was forced to carry the sum demanded close to a CAI.

Once the man received the money, he was arrested by members of the National Police. Two of the uniformed men were captured simultaneously at the Police station in the municipalities of Timbío (Cauca) and Paispamba Sotará, and a third at the station in the Antigua neighborhood of Popayán.

The guarantee control judge imposed prison security on Cristhian Giovanny Urueña Barrero. The others prosecuted will face the process in freedom. This last determination was appealed by the prosecution.

Finally, the Colombian Penal Code establishes, “the public servant who, abusing his position or functions, constrains or induces someone to give or promise to the same servant or to a third party, money or any other undue utility, or requests them, will incur a prison sentence of 96 to 180 months.

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