“Power feeds on violence in the world. The more it is sought, the more peace is threatened”

by time news

Time.news – Jesus “sees and suffers seeing in our days, in many parts of the world, exercises of power that feed on oppression and violence, which seek to increase their own space by restricting that of others, imposing their own dominion and limiting fundamental freedoms , oppressing the weak “. Pope Francis said this in the homily of the mass celebrated today at the Bahrain National Stadium in the Middle Eastern kingdom.

“He asks his followers for the courage to take risks in something that seems apparently a loser. He asks to always remain, faithfully, in love, despite everything, even in the face of evil and the enemy. The simple human reaction nails us to” an eye for an eye. , tooth for tooth “, but this means getting justice with the same weapons of evil received”, he added.

For peace the bond of violence is broken

“Whoever follows the Prince of Peace must always strive for peace. And peace cannot be restored if a bad word is answered with an even more evil word, if a slap follows another: no, it is necessary to” defuse ” , break the chain of evil, break the spiral of violence, stop harboring resentment, stop complaining and crying “. Pope Francis said this in the homily of the mass celebrated today at the Bahrain National Stadium in the Middle Eastern kingdom.

“In the scene of this world, we often see that the more power is sought, the more peace is threatened.”

“The gaze of Jesus is concrete; he does not say that it will be easy and he does not propose a sentimental and romantic love, as if in our human relationships there were no moments of conflict and there were no reasons for hostility between peoples. Jesus is not irenic, but realist: he speaks explicitly of “evil” and “enemies” “, added the Pontiff,” He knows that within our relationships there is a daily struggle between love and hate; and that within us too, every day, there is a clash between light and darkness, between so many intentions and desires for good and that sinful fragility that often takes over and drags us into the works of evil. It also knows that we experience how, despite so many generous efforts, we do not always receive good that we expect and, indeed, sometimes incomprehensibly we suffer harm “.

Migrants, building harmony in diversity

“Already loving your neighbor, who is close to us, even if reasonable, is tiring. In general, it is what a community or a people try to do to keep peace internally: if you belong to the same family or to the same nation, if you have the same ideas or the same tastes, if you profess the same belief, it is normal to try to help and love each other. Do you think it becomes our neighbor? This land is a living image of the conviviality of diversity, of our world increasingly marked by the permanent migration of peoples and by the pluralism of ideas, customs and traditions “. Pope Francis said this in the homily of the mass celebrated today at the Bahrain National Stadium in the Middle Eastern kingdom.

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