Powerful oat fertilizer, make your plants grow all year round (neither the cold nor the rain will harm them)

by time news

Learn more about a powerful oat fertilizer that can contribute many benefits to your garden. if you consider yourself plant loveris homemade recipe can be of great help for your plants grow and stay beautiful for a long time.

Las plants They bring life to wherever they are. The problem is that when they feel sad or lifeless, we do everything possible to keep them alive longer. know this powerful oat fertilizerwhich will serve your plants At any time of year.

What does oats contribute to the earth?

Powerful oat fertilizer, make your plants grow all year round (neither the cold nor the rain will harm them) Photo: iStock

It’s a food with many nutrients It can be consumed in different ways. Thanks to your protein content, dietary fiber, vitamins and mineralsyou will have energy for your day to day.

If that were not enough, too controls cholesterol and blood sugar. toast antioxidant properties, in addition to improving digestion. Helps to feel satiety and strengthens body tissues.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation conducted a study called “Data on the nutritional properties of the avena, in which he points out that those who consume it in the morning get a breakfast with more calories. It’s provides more energy and, from nutritional density, a more balanced profile.

The oats is a crop that has several positive benefits on earth. Some of the most important contributions include:

It improves soil structure: The avena it’s a crop with a strong root system helps improve soil structurewhich facilitates the retention of water and nutrients.

Erosion protection: The avena is a planta which grows rapidly and can cover the ground with leaves and stems, protecting it against erosion.

Fixation of nitrogen: The avena It is a crop that is capable of fixing nitrogen from the air and converting it into available nitrogen for other plants. This means you can improve soil fertility and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.

Benefits for the root system: The avena can help improve the root system of other cropswhich can increase resistance to drought and improve the health and production of other plants.

In general, the avena It is a beneficial crop for the tierra and can contribute to improve fertility and soil structure, as well as to protect against erosion and improve the health of other crops.

How oats are used for plants

Powerful oat fertilizer, make your plants grow all year round (neither the cold nor the rain will harm them) Photo: iStock

During the very rainy or cold season, the plants are affected by these climates. In fact, it seems impossible to keep them alive all this season. Thanks to oat fertilizer you can strengthen your plants and you will notice that its growth continues throughout the year.

The best thing about this is that it is natural and you can do it with a INGREDIENTS who is usually at home. Make the most of it for your health and also for nourish your plants each month.

How to make oat fertilizer

It is grain will provide nutrients and minerals to your plantsin addition to expediting the flowering process. The avenathanks to your high in potassium, calcium and phosphorushelps to strengthen the bones and teeth in the human being and in the planta to have healthy and strong roots.

The best thing is that, in addition to nourish your plants, will keep them free of slugs or snails. These little animals will not come near your garden because it is a toxic grain.

create your own oat fertilizer:


– 1 cup of avena

– 1 liter of water

– 1 spray bottle


Blend the oats until it is pure dust.

– Empty the powdered oats in the water and let it sit for an hour.

– Then strain the oats and the liquid that remained from the avena soaked, add 1 more cup of water to dilute the concentrate.

– Once the liquid has been diluted, spray it on the plants and that’s it.

How the fertilizer should be applied

It is recommended that you water your plants with this mixture every night, so that they absorb the nutrients to the max. Every two months, you must prepare a new mix to use it in your garden. If you have the previous mixture left over, throw it away, because it will no longer have the same benefits for your plants.

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He oat fertilizerin addition to provide nutrients to your plantswill help prevent some pests approach and damage all your garden. Tell me in the comments how it goes.

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