Problems in this retirement village located in Vendée

by time news

2024-10-27 07:00:00

Intergenerational housing is a popular model. A building recently opened in Angers, highlighting a mix of a nursery, a seniors’ residence and an apartment at the same address. But this coexistence is not always evident, hence the development of buildings also reserved for the elderly shared accommodation specially adapted to their needs. And what happens when a set of houses and apartments designed specifically for the elderly changes its management method and also opens up to “classic” tenants? Not necessarily well, as illustrated by the example of the Village des cyprès, located in the municipality of La Garnache, in Vendée.

Ouest-France reportsthis project dates back to 2011 and saw the installation of 12 new pavilions in the city as well as 7 apartments installed in the renovated castle to create a retirement village, a stone’s throw from the nursing home. But the project encountered management difficulties and changes of hands, so much so that it was the municipality that chose to manage it in 2021 through its Social Action Centre. Except that with the bankruptcy declaration of the first administrator, the owners who had purchased these accommodations with the Pinel system were able to choose to return their share of the VAT credit and their tax exemption, to be free to rent as they wish.

Disturbances of public order

The municipality has in fact purchased 10 of the 19 houses through pre-emption or direct negotiation, but at least one remains rented to a family. And according to Ouest-France, his arrival in the middle of the night with “two trucks, three children, an Australian shepherd, two motorbikes, a small swimming pool, a trampoline” it was not welcomed by all residents. While denying that they are against the arrival of young people or families, the villagers expressed their concern to the regional newspaper.

As for the city, we intend to continue the senior vocation of the place, which is very practical given the proximity of the nursing home. The mayor of the municipality also reminds that if nothing prevents the settlement of non-elderly tenants, the rules on co-ownership apply to everyone and if public order disturbances or inconveniences occur, the municipality would not hesitate to intervene.

#Problems #retirement #village #located #Vendée

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