Producers from Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas learn to prevent entry of Foc R4T and receive benefits – La Nación

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Saint Dominic, In Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) delivered certificates of the Learning Communities and seals of Peasant Family Agriculture, and participated in the management simulation of a phytosanitary emergency in the face of an outbreak of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense raza 4 tropical (Foc R4T), organized by Agrocalidad.

Foc R4T is one of the most destructive pests for musaceae (banana, plantain, abaca, among others). This pest is not present in Ecuador; However, drills are developed preventively in emergency situations.

The objective is to prevent the entry and contain a possible spread of the Foc TR4 pest in the country, through the implementation and execution of phytosanitary procedures.

Danilo Palacios, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, said that the territory seeks to know the needs first-hand to provide a feasible solution that supports producers.

“Ecuador needs people who dream and know that they are capable; and we, from public institutions, in a transparent, responsible and supportive manner will support them to move this agricultural Ecuador forward,” said Minister Danilo Palacios.

In addition, 20 producers from the Vida Sana Agricultural Association received certifications for having trained in the AFC Learning Communities, with which they will be able to implement agroecological production and will be linked to local markets.

Three AFC seals were also awarded to banana producers who add value to the product and produce banana flour. This distinctive guarantees the social origin of the products that come from farmers and facilitates their link to local markets.

Rosario Erazo, beneficiary, pointed out that the flour they process is healthy and has favorable nutritional components for people’s diets. He added that the AFC seal, awarded to the association, will help them market more easily and directly to the consumer.

Additionally, as part of the agenda in the Tsáchila province, a technical table was developed with representatives of the agro-productive sector of items such as oil palm to coordinate joint actions and promote these crops from the public and private sectors.

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