Protecting High-Risk Patients: Information and Recommendations for COVID-19 Prevention and Early Treatment

by time news

2023-11-02 09:08:00
Cold Season Begins with Increased Risk of COVID-19 for Vulnerable Individuals

With the arrival of autumn, the cold season has begun, and along with it comes an increased risk of respiratory illnesses. Rhinoviruses, the common cold pathogens, are known to predominate during this time. However, a new addition to the common cold pattern has emerged – the coronavirus. The COVID-19 virus has firmly established itself within the cold season, causing concern for public health officials and vulnerable individuals.

While vaccinations and previous infections have led to increased immunity in the population, resulting in fewer severe cases, there are still individuals for whom a COVID-19 infection can be life-threatening. The long-term consequences of the illness are still relatively unknown. It is particularly important for older people and those with pre-existing health conditions and weakened immune systems to take extra precautions to protect themselves from infection.

To address this issue, a free brochure has been made available, accompanied by a website, providing information on how high-risk patients can protect themselves and what steps to take in the event of an infection. The brochure aims to educate and empower vulnerable individuals, ensuring they have the knowledge necessary to safeguard their health.

The risk of severe disease progression with COVID-19 is a concern for both medical professionals and individuals alike. Although the majority of people experience mild to moderate symptoms when infected with the coronavirus, there is a subset where the infection can become much more serious. These cases can lead to pneumonia and respiratory insufficiency, where the affected person is no longer able to breathe independently and absorb enough oxygen. Intensive care and artificial ventilation become necessary in these situations.

In light of these risks, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends that certain adults, especially those from high-risk groups, receive a triple vaccination protecting against flu, COVID-19, and pneumococcus. This recommendation aims to prevent severe illness, hospital admissions, complications, and death.

In the event of an infection, high-risk patients have the option to receive drug therapy shortly after becoming infected with COVID-19. This therapy aims to weaken the impact of the virus and reduce the severity of the disease. Antiviral drugs that inhibit the virus’s multiplication in the body and monoclonal antibodies that prevent the virus from attaching to body cells are available for this purpose. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies may vary with new virus variants.

In the current treatment guidelines for COVID-19 patients, medical experts recommend early antiviral therapy for high-risk patients. Such therapy should ideally begin within a maximum of five days after experiencing symptoms or after the suspected time of infection. It is crucial for individuals over 60 and other risk groups to consult their family doctor immediately at the first sign of symptoms, or if they test positive for COVID-19, in order to discuss potential treatment options.

To provide comprehensive information and guidance, the free brochure “Early Corona Therapy for High-Risk Patients” is available for download on the website This resource outlines the risks associated with severe COVID-19 cases, offers practical advice on infection prevention, and explains the benefits of early therapy in detail.

The treatment guidelines mentioned earlier are developed by a committee of experts who consider scientific findings and practical experiences. These guidelines are endorsed by the German Society for Internal Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine (DGIIN), the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (DGP), and the German Society for Infectious Diseases (DGI).

Recent studies have shown that certain antiviral medications can reduce the risk of hospitalization or death by almost 90% compared to a placebo. This finding highlights the importance of early intervention and the potential benefits that antiviral therapies can provide for vulnerable individuals.

As the cold season progresses, it is crucial for the public to remain vigilant in their efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. By following recommended guidelines and seeking appropriate medical care, we can collectively work towards minimizing the impact of the virus, safeguarding the health of those most at risk, and mitigating the potential long-term consequences of this ongoing pandemic.]
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