Monday, February 10, 2025 – 13:37 WIB
Indonesian Parliament Building. Photo Illustration: Ricardo/JPNN com
jpnn.comJAKARTA – Circulating letter of the House of Representatives (DPR) on the WhatsApp network with number B/1972/PW.11.01/2/2/2025 dated 7 February 2025 signed by Deputy Chairperson of Sufmi Dasco Ahmad.
It is known, the letter contains a delay of the meeting which was brought up to the leadership and Secretary General of the Indonesian Parliament and the archival section.
The letter reminded the request for the postponement of the meeting of the budget efficiency meeting from the ministry or institution, because the government wanted to make a reconstruction of funds.
“So together this was asked to the Head of Commission I up to the House of Representatives Commission XIII to postpone the discussion of the efficiency of the work partner budget,” said the letter in the letter.
The DPR’s letter also revealed that it was necessary to hold a re -meeting if the commission in the parliament had discussed the efficiency of funds with partners.
“That’s it for your brother’s attention, thank you,” the request was.
Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission XIII Andreas Hugo Pareira claimed to have known about the issuance of the letter after being distributed in the official WhatsApp group.
“Yes, there is a notification in the commission group,” he said through the message service, Monday (10/2).
Circulating a letter of the House of Representatives (DPR) which contains the discussion of budget efficiency with work partners.
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