Qt Creator 12 Released with Screen Recording Plugins and Compiler Explorer

by time news

2023-11-29 10:00:00

This release also introduces debugging and profiling for CMake 3.27 and later, as well as several improvements.

The Qt Project advertisement today the release and general availability of Qt Creator 12 as the latest stable update for this free, open source, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) application.

Qt Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) designed to facilitate the development of applications using the Qt framework. Qt is a set of software development tools and libraries that provides functionality for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), as well as event handling, network communication, file management, and more. It is especially known for its focus on being cross-platform, meaning that applications developed with Qt can run on multiple operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, without requiring significant changes to the source code.

Qt Creator integrates tightly with Qt capabilities and features, making it easy for developers to write, debug, and compile code for Qt applications. Some of the notable features of Qt Creator include:

C++ Editor: Qt Creator includes a source code editor for the C++ programming language, which is commonly used in Qt application development.

Depuration: Provides advanced debugging tools to help developers identify and fix errors in their programs.

Graphic Interface Designer: It makes it easy to create graphical interfaces using a visual designer that allows you to drag and drop elements to build the user interface.

Project Manager: It allows you to organize and manage software development projects efficiently.

Integration with Qt: It is designed to work integrated with Qt libraries and tools, simplifying the development process.

Multiplatform Support: Qt Creator supports cross-platform development, allowing developers to create applications that can run on different operating systems with relative ease.

In summary, Qt Creator is a powerful tool for developing applications based on the Qt framework, offering an efficient development environment and functionalities that facilitate the creation of cross-platform software with graphical user interfaces.

Qt Creator 12 is here four months after Qt Creator 11 and introduces several new features, starting with the integration of the Compiler Explorer created by Matt Godbolt. With this, Qt Creator will ask the Compiler Explorer to compile and run the code, generate an assembly, and show you the result.

The Compiler Explorer plugin can be accessed from Tools > Compiler Explorer > Open Compiler Explorer and can be used with various editors. You can also configure different compilers to use the Compiler Explorer plugin, which is disabled by default and must be enabled in Help > About Plugins > CompilerExplorer.

Qt Creator 12 also introduces a ScreenRecorder plugin that will finally allow you to record your screen for bug reports, sharing, blog posts, etc. Like the Compiler Explorer plugin, the ScreenRecorder plugin is disabled by default and must be enabled from Help > About Plugins. > Screen recorder.

On top of that, this release introduces debugging and profiling for CMake 3.27 and later via the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP), allowing you to set breakpoints on your project’s CMake files as well as debug the CMake configuration process.

The CMake debugging functionality can be activated from Debug > Start Debugging > Start CMake Debugging. Starting with this release, Qt Creator also allows you to start CMake in profiling mode via the new Analyze > CMake Profiler option. The results will open in the Qt Creator trace file viewer.

Also for CMake, this release enhances the CMake file editor with new features such as macro support, jump to functions, target and package definitions, help tooltips, and expanded completion.

Qt Creator 12 also adds support for LLVM 17.0.1 to Clangd and Clang parsing tools, adds buttons for text styles to the Markdown editor, adds proxy support to the Copilot integration, adds project-specific settings for file names C++ and documentation comments. and allows automatic detection of PySide installations.

Multiple fixes and extensions have also been added for C++ refactoring operations, and Qt Creator 12 promises to significantly improve startup performance in various configurations. For more details, you can refer to the full changelog .

Qt Creator 12 is available to download right now from the official Web site as a source tarball and a universal binary installer that can run on virtually any GNU/Linux distribution.

#Creator #Released #Screen #Recording #Plugins #Compiler #Explorer

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