Remittance money sent to Bikash can be cashed out from around 2500 Q-Cash marked ATM booths of 19 top commercial banks across the country at a charge of only 7 Tk.
According to a press release by BKash on Wednesday, customers can avail this facility from BRAC Bank, Citibank and any Q-Cash marked ATM booth through the BKash app or by dialing *247#.
It is said there that the customers will get the facility of cashing out from two favorite agents up to 50 thousand taka per month at the cost of 14.90 taka per thousand as well as cashing out from the ATM booth.
Apart from this, you can take various services from the Bikash account, such as payment of various goods and services, payment of utility bills like gas-electricity-water, send money, mobile recharge, payment of fees for educational institutions and government services, payment of grants, etc. from your home. customers.
How to cash out from ATM
To cash out from the ATM, the customer needs to dial *247# or select the ‘Cash Out’ option from the Bkash app. Here an OTP will be sent to the customer’s mobile via SMS by selecting the ‘From ATM’ option and entering the pin number of the Bkash account. This OTP will be active for next 5 minutes and can be used only once.
Now to cash out at the ATM booth, click on the ‘Develop Cash Out’ button at the bottom left corner of the ATM screen and select the preferred language. Proceed to the next step by entering the development account number and depositing the cash out amount.
The customer will get the money only after verifying the customer’s information with the OTP number received through SMS. After receiving the money and receipt, a confirmation SMS will be sent from Bikash to the customer’s mobile.
Bikash said they have created an ecosystem for sending remittances with hundreds of international money transfer operators (MTOs) and commercial banks.
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