Requirements, registration date and support amount

by times news cr

The government of State of Mexico The call for applications has already opened Scholarships for Use 2024; Below we tell you the requirements to register, the registration date and the amount of support.

With the objective of promoting the permanence and completion of studies of Basic Education students in Primary and Secondary, the government of The State of Mexico grants Achievement Scholarships.

This scholarship is aimed at students in grades 4, 5, and 6 as well as those in grades 1, 2, and 3 in secondary school, who study in public schools of the state and federalized subsystems in the State of Mexico.

Below we tell you everything we know about this scholarship, such as the requirements to obtain it, the date of registration and the amount of support.

What is the amount of support from the State of Mexico Achievement Scholarships? This day they begin their registration

The government of the State of Mexico reported that registration for the 2024 Aprovechamieno Scholarships will take place for five days, from October 14 to 18, 2024.

Applicants may register online in accordance with the first letter of your last name paternal, being:

  • A, B, C, D, E register on Monday, October 14
  • F, G, H, I, J register on Tuesday, October 15
  • K, L, M, N, Ñ, O on Wednesday, October 16
  • P, Q, R, S, T on Thursday, October 17
  • U, V, W, X, Y, Z on Friday, October 18

The results of the registration of Achievement Scholarships will be announced on the days November 27, 28 and 29, 2024 on the SEDUC Edomex website.

The monthly monetary support will be for the amount of $800.00 Mexican pesos on one and up to 10 occasions, according to budget availability and during the school year 2024-2025.

Requirements of the 2024 Achievement Scholarships State of Mexico

Los requirements to be a beneficiary of the Scholarships for Aprovechamiento 2024 from the State of Mexico are:

  • Prove that you are a regular student of Basic Education (4, 5 and 6 of primary and 1, 2 and 3 of secondary) enrolled in a public institution of the state and federalized subsystem in the State of Mexico
  • Prove that you are a regular student of Basic Education (4, 5 and 6 of primary school and 1, 2 and 3 of secondary school) enrolled in a public institution of the state and federalized subsystem in the State of Mexico.
  • Be part of a family whose economic income is below the income poverty lines.
  • Residing in the State of Mexico.
  • Register your application (registration form) on the website by clicking on the icon of the “Scholarships for Wellbeing for Academic Achievement” Program for Basic Education, in the Applicants section.
  • Not be a beneficiary of any other federal, state or municipal social development program, through which they receive monetary or in-kind support, nor be a scholarship from any private institution.

High school in Mexico (Carolina Jiménez Mariscal / Cuartoscuro)

How do I register for the 2024 Aprovechamiento Scholarships?

To register for the 2024 Aprovechamiento Scholarships you must:

  1. Enter the link: and write the Work Center Code (CCT) of the educational institution in which the student who is going to apply for the scholarship in the 2024-25 school year is enrolled.
  2. Enter the page.
  3. Click on the section of the Program “Scholarships for Wellbeing for Academic Achievement” for Basic Education
  4. Click on the section that says “Applicants”.
  5. Fill out your Registration Form and before sending all the information requested, verify that the information provided is correct.

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