Roscosmos reported a leak in the Russian Nauka module on the ISS – Kommersant

by time news

2023-10-09 21:29:55

Roscosmos and NASA specialists reported a coolant leak from the reserve radiator in the Science module of the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS). American experts are assessing the situation together with Russian ones.

“On the Nauka module of the Russian segment of the ISS, a coolant leak occurred from the external (backup) radiator circuit, which was delivered to the station in 2012. The main thermal control circuit of the module operates normally and provides comfortable conditions in the living area of ​​the module,” it is reported in Telegram channel “Roscosmos”. The station employees are not in danger.

NASA specialists were the first to report the leak in a broadcast. “We see flakes outside the station, we need someone from the crew to go to Cupola (module of the American segment of the ISS), look towards the rear of the station, through windows 5 or 6, and confirm if he sees any flakes.” , said the NASA specialist.

“Yes, there is a leak from the radiator on the Science module,” said NASA astronaut Jasmine Moghbeli, who is on the station. According to a NASA representative, at the moment there are no traces of the impact of the leak, the station continues to operate.

On December 15, a depressurization of the external circuit of the cooling system occurred on the Soyuz-22 spacecraft in the Russian segment of the ISS. The damage was caused by a micrometeorite. In March 2023, the damaged ship was returned to Earth.

Anastasia Larina

#Roscosmos #reported #leak #Russian #Nauka #module #ISS #Kommersant

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