Russia’s plan to invade Ukraine .. US blocking – What is the background? | why Russia might invade Ukraine

by time news
In the aftermath of the Afghanistan issue, the issue of Russia’s alleged occupation of Ukraine is causing a global stir.

US President Joe Biden has recently publicly warned that Russia could face dire consequences if it invades Ukraine. He also warned of a massive embargo on the country.

Ukraine – Russia: What’s the problem?

Russia and Ukraine were part of the former Soviet Union. Ukraine became a separate country after the fall of the Soviet Union. Both countries are the largest in Europe. Ukraine plans to network with NATO and the European Union. This has angered Russia.

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The border issue between Russia and Ukraine has been simmering for years. When the Ukrainians ousted their pro-Russian president in early 2014, Russia seized control of the southern Crimean peninsula in Ukraine with the help of rebels. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia have been rising over the past few months.

Russia is concentrating large numbers of troops on the border with Russia and on the Russian-backed Belarus border with Ukraine. Russia is said to have amassed about one lakh troops and supplies. It is expected that this number will double in the coming days.

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Russia has said it has no plans to invade Ukraine, but the situation there has not been conducive to easing tensions. State-based negotiations have also gone in vain. Russian President Vladimir Putin has argued that NATO forces should be withdrawn from Europe.

US support for Ukraine:

Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom signed the ‘Budapest Memorandum on Security Guarantees for Ukraine’ in 1994 to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty. Russia has violated the agreement by occupying Crimea. Due to this, the United States is supporting Ukraine. The United States is also preparing to send troops to Ukraine to counter the Russian threat. The United States is expected to send 5,000 troops to Eastern Europe in the first phase.

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