RWM expo: experts discuss sustainable urban waste management

by times news cr

This event was an opportunity to exchange views and best practices regarding the management of urban waste and energy recovery from waste, against the backdrop of climate change and its negative impacts on the environment.

In his speech, the director of the ECOMED group, Ahmed Hamidi, emphasized the constraints relating to the recovery of waste in Morocco, characterized in particular by their humidity, as well as the price constraint.

“To produce solid recovered fuel (SRF), a fuel which can be used in cement kilns as a substitute fuel for fossil fuels, the waste must be relatively dry, but those which are collected are too humid. they must therefore be dried, which involves a major ventilation system,” he explained.

For his part, Abdelhamid Beyoud, Head of the technical division of the municipality of Oujda, shared the experience of this city in the integrated management of solid waste, more particularly in energy recovery through the extraction of biogas and electricity production.

“In 2005, we launched a pilot project in partnership with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Environment and the United Nations (UN) to ensure the purchase of the electricity produced,” explained Mr. . Beyoud.

“It is a project which has received until today more than 3 million tonnes of waste and has produced around 18,000 megawatts, which corresponds during this period of 10 years to around 5 megawatts per day”, a- he noted.

And added: “the principle is based on burying the waste and covering it to ensure an oxygen-free environment (anaerobic) and on the installation of a degassing system to draw off the gas by pumps and transport this biogas , produced rich in Methane CH4 towards a gas engine with a turbine which converts it into electricity.

Organized by the magazine “Energy/Mines and Quarries Magazine”, under the aegis of the Ministries of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, and of Industry and Commerce, in partnership with the Regional Investment Center of the Tangier region -Tétouan-Al Hoceima (CRI-TTA) and the Town Hall of Tangier, RWM expo has the ambition to contribute to the collective effort of the Kingdom in the implementation of the sustainable development model dictated by the Strategic Directions of HM the King Mohammed VI and Morocco’s international commitments.

This first edition, organized in a hybrid format, will work to bring together all the players operating in the field of waste management and recovery around the themes: institutional, regulatory and financing framework, territorial policies, circular economy, recycling opportunities and recovery of domestic and industrial waste, decarbonization of industry, optimization of industrial processes for less waste, new green technologies, as well as training, research and development.

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