Salary: How much do you earn after a bac+5?

by time news

According to the last one Survey of young graduates from the WTW consultancy firmthe average annual salary for bac+5 profiles with less than two years of experience would amount to 42,500 euros gross, adding all sectors. Or around 3,500 euros per month. A slightly growing figure (+1.2%), after a year of 2023 which saw wages jump by 7%. This doesn’t mean, however, that your paycheck will reach that amount.

42 500

Median gross salary for a bac +5 after 2 years of professional life

WTW Cabinet

In detail, your salary depends on numerous parameters: professional sector, specialization studied, region, size of the company, etc. 50,000 euros gross at the beginning of their career,” observes Lydie Brunisholz, senior director of the company Page Personnel.

And to immediately temper: “For a beginner in marketing with an average education, it will be around 35,000 euros in Paris, a little less in the provinces. Unless you are dual proficient or come from one of the top three or four schools. »

Another gap continues to exist in pay, which has changed little or not at all in recent years. According to the CGE (Conférence des Grandes écoles), young graduates (women) who leave its institutions continue to be paid 5.2% less than their colleagues (men). Among junior managers the gap is as high as 7%.

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