SALON. While in the rest of the municipalities of the Bassa (almost all of them) it is difficult to find volunteers willing to put themselves at the service of the community, in Salorno there have always been an abundance of vigilant grandparents, since the day the service was born and started, almost twenty years ago, in March 2006.
There are fourteen “guardian angels” who this year are responsible for watching over the movements of young schoolchildren every day on their way to primary school and vice versa. The service is guaranteed from 7.30 to 8, coinciding with the start of lessons, and then from 12.30 to 1pm when leaving school. The 14 vigilant grandparents alternate based on the needs of each of them: they are coordinated by the municipal office which is responsible for arranging the duty shifts.
From 2006 to today, 36 volunteers have come and gone who have donated, and are donating, part of their time completely free of charge. In fact, none of them receive even a single euro of compensation.
The vigilant grandparents
Among the 14 vigilant grandparents there is also the deputy mayor Ivan Cortella. The others are Gabriella Dalvit, Antonio Endrizzi, Franco Faustin, Daniela Ivanova, Giuseppe Nardon, Annamaria Roccabruna, Gian Carlo Romanin, Giuseppe Simeoni, Enio Tait, Mauro Marcomini, Christopher Nardin, Afifa Chebbi, Maria Pap. Gabriella Dalvit and Antonio Endrizzi are the only two who have always been present since 2006.