Salud Artemisa invites a literary competition for World Thrombosis Day

by time news

2024-10-10 19:40:00

Specifying the characteristics of venous thrombosis, listing the factors that increase the risk of suffering from it, putting describe the symptoms that often accompany it, as well as monitor patients. World Thrombosis Day Literary Competition, celebrated every 13 October.

According to the organizers, prose texts (description, narrative, chronicle) whose protagonists go through a conflict about thrombosis, whether from the experience of the patient, a family member, a friend and even a health professional, will be evaluated. or greater stages of the disease.

Priority will be given to the selection of those works that attract the reader’s attention and invite them to investigate this pathology.

A wise balance is sought between knowledge and the use of language as a tool and strategy to create awareness and, in turn, enjoy the quality of style and expressive originality. In short, Twining science and art.

Below we list the details:

Basis and Conditions of participation

This competition is open and free to enter.

Up to 3 authors may participate in each work, native or naturalized Cubans and foreigners domiciled in the Republic of Cuba.

Format and extension of works

The works must be written in Spanish and respond, without exception, to the central theme of this competition.


All authors must be over 18 years of age.

To respect the rigor of the concepts referring to thrombosis, fantastic texts or science fiction are excluded, as they may cause misunderstandings or confusion regarding the veracity of the information provided about thrombosis.

On the other hand, expressions of subjectivity that inevitably accompany all personal experiences will be allowed.

Extension: It should not exceed six sheets with the following characteristics:

  • Maximum extension: 6 sheets
  • Today: A4
  • Font Style and Size: Arial (not bold) 12 Line Spacing: 1.5 Margin: 3 cm

Those applications that show legends or brands that could be interpreted, in the opinion of the jury, as advertising or identify the author will not be accepted.


The work must be sent by email in an attached file in Word or pdf format to the following address: o

The file must include the title of the work followed by the pseudonym of the author or group of authors and the category to which it belongs.

Also included in the same document

  • The title of the work
  • Noun
  • Name and surname
  • CI
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • E-mail


Works received from September 8 to October 31, 2024 will be considered.

Selection process:

To evaluate the literary work, priority will be given to texts that satisfy the characteristics mentioned above.


It will be composed of members of the Cuban Society of Hematology, the Society of Family Medicine, the Society of Orthopedics and Clinical Genetics with their respective Artemisa chapters.


The three first prizes in each category will be published in this space the artemiseño newspaper of the province. will be awarded Diploma with the gold, silver and bronze category for the winners.

#Salud #Artemisa #invites #literary #competition #World #Thrombosis #Day

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