“Saoud Al-Shehri” answers and advises to avoid eating these foods • Al-Marsad Newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Family doctor Dr. Saud Al-Shehri revealed that fatty liver, or cirrhosis of the liver, has no cure, but several methods can be used to reduce this problem.

He said during a video clip he posted on his Twitter account: “We simply know the cause of triglycerides, including excessive sugars, starches, fats, and proteins, and all these substances are converted into triglycerides, and they are stored in certain places, including the liver.”

He added, “Then it is necessary to reduce the intake of sugars and starches, such as rice, bread, cake, and pastries,” pointing out that brown rice or bulgur can be eaten instead of white rice.

And he added: “Before eating any meal, an amount of vegetables is eaten, such as lettuce, watercress, cucumber, carrots,” and he continued: “Or a fruit is eaten, but it is better to limit it to vegetables.”

He pointed out that healthy oils such as olive oil must be used because it is rich in Omega 3 and vitamin E.

He pointed out the need to be careful to walk because it helps to burn fat.

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