Sheinbaum signs decree of secondary laws to protect women

by times news cr

The president Claudia Sheinbaumsigned the decree of secondary laws on the protection of women, which are related to substantive equality, gender perspective, right to a life free of violence, as well as the eradication of the gender pay gap..

“There are four very important axes of these secondary laws, which protect and strengthen girls, women in our country, they strengthen their rights. Today, women in Mexico have a legal framework that supports them and now it is our turn to make all of this a reality in Mexico,” he said.

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In his speech, Citlalli HernandezSecretary of Women, explained that provisions of seven laws were reformed and added: General Law for equality between men and women; general law on women’s access to a life free of violence.

In addition, the national code of civil and family procedures; the national code of criminal procedures; the general law of the national public security system; the federal labor law; and the law of workers at the service of the States.

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Meanwhile, the presidential legal advisor, Ernestina Godoycalled on local congresses to harmonize with the reforms in favor of women and thus guarantee their protection at all levels.


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