Shock in Douala, a 16-year-old teenager stabs his mother to death

by times news cr

2024-10-07 12:16:34

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– 2024-04-06 15:39:51″>Douala” decoding=”async” fetchpriority=”high” src=”×500.webp”/>

An unprecedented family tragedy shakes the city of Douala, plunging an entire neighborhood into astonishment and incomprehension. A 16-year-old boy did the unthinkable by taking the life of his own mother, just hours after she had him released from police custody. This tragedy raises many questions about juvenile delinquency and the challenges faced by Cameroonian families.

An unprecedented act of violence in the heart of Missoké Bel Air

This morning, the Missoké Bel Air district of Douala woke up in fear. A 16-year-old boy stabbed his mother several times, inflicting fatal injuries. The victim, whose identity has not been revealed, died instantly, leaving an entire community in shock.

The story takes an even more tragic turn when we learn that the day before the tragedy, the teenager was in a cell. His mother, in a gesture of maternal love, had decided to have him released. An act of compassion that cost him his life.

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