Sister Nivedita Quotes For Kids, Sister Nivedita’s words can make your child successful, start from today – sister nivedita quotes to make your child successful

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Sister Nivedita, a disciple of Swami Vivakananda, supported education, selflessness and spiritual development. Some of the things said in his sermon encourage children to achieve success in their lives. Not only this, his teachings also help children learn values ​​and understand cultural significance.

Every parent wants their child to be successful in life but sometimes they do not understand what they should do to make their child successful. The words spoken by Sister Nivedita may be useful to you in this work. With their guidance you can make your child a successful person.

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have to be selfless

Sister Nivedita says that it is best to have a selfless attitude. Parents should teach their children to think about the needy people before themselves and help them. By becoming selfless you start working like God’s weapon. Children must learn this from their parents.

Research is needed in technical knowledge

He says that we all should have technical knowledge but it is also necessary to have in-depth information and research on it. Having technical knowledge without research means not giving fragrance to any flower. If you want to impart any technical knowledge to your child, then teach him to research and master it.

must learn by oneself

Sister Nivedita says that you cannot learn anything from others. Whatever you learn, you learn from yourself and your experiences. Real education is self-learning and it is the effort and hard work that we put in to achieve our goals that counts. No one else can teach us anything in this.

knowledge must be shared

Just as we donate food and clothes, we should also donate our knowledge or should not hesitate in sharing it. Anyway it is said that knowledge increases by sharing. You should teach your child that whatever he has learned, he must share it with his friends or colleagues.

If you want to progress then work hard

If you want to progress and be successful in your life, then you will have to work hard for it. You can achieve everything with hard work. Our struggle matters a lot and on the basis of this we can move forward. By teaching the above mentioned things, you can make your child not only successful in life but also a good person who will always be ready to help others.

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