SLP governor attends Sheinbaum’s 100-day report

by times news cr

The Governor of San Luis Potosi Ricardo Gallardo Cardona accompanied the President of Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum Pardoin his report of the 100 days of the Second Floor of the Fourth Transformation, where he reaffirmed his commitment to working together to build a more just, equitable and prosperous country.

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After the message of the President of Mexico, the State President, highlighted the importance of coordination between levels of Government to consolidate the progress of the Fourth Transformation.

Emphasizing that San Luis Potosi it’s a key status in the implementation of public policies that directly benefit the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

Gallardo agreed with the commitment to continue with actions to provide more support to the sectors more unprotectedand first the poor, with work in all areas.

Cardona recognizes Sheinbaum’s leadership

He Governor recognized the leadership of the President Claudia Sheinbaum and highlighted the achievements achieved in these first 100 days, They lay the foundations for comprehensive development in all corners of Mexico, such as the security strategy, access to water throughout the country, the program Bachetón to improve roads, work to create the first national electric car.

Both leaders agreed on the need to strengthen investments in infrastructure, education, health and economic development, placing special emphasis on marginalized communities.

And continue working to strengthen social programs, promoting initiatives that promote social justice, equitable access to opportunities and sustainable development.

Finally Gallardo Cardonahighlighted the impact of the programs of the Welfare, as in San Luis Potosi which are added to social programs, such as scholarships for single mothers and older adults, the food security program, pink clinics, transportation and free internet.

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Multiple actions that have the sole purpose of the development of Potosí families.


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