Social Media Influencer Kai Cenat Faces Charges after Chaotic New York City Event

by time news

Social Media Influencer Faces Charges After Chaos at Giveaway Event in NYC

NEW YORK (AP) — Popular social media influencer Kai Cenat is facing charges of inciting a riot and promoting an unlawful gathering in New York City after a giveaway event he organized turned into chaos. Cenat, who has 6.5 million followers on Twitch and 4 million subscribers on YouTube, had promised to give away electronics, including a new PlayStation, which drew thousands of his followers, many of them teenagers.

The event, held in Union Square, resulted in dozens of arrests as participants engaged in destructive behavior, jumping atop vehicles, hurling bottles, and throwing punches. Police arrested 65 people, including 30 juveniles, and several people were injured, some with bloodied faces. At least four individuals were taken away in ambulances.

Cenat was released from police custody on Saturday after being issued a desk appearance ticket, requiring him to appear in court on August 18. The incident has raised concerns about the influence and control that social media influencers have over their followers, particularly young people.

Speaking about the incident, Mayor Eric Adams emphasized that children cannot be raised by social media. During a press briefing on an unrelated crime, he stated, “Our children cannot be raised by social media.”

Cenat’s media representatives, AMP, released a statement apologizing for the event and expressing their cooperation with authorities. They stated that the event was intended to show appreciation to fans but was overwhelmed due to its scale. AMP also acknowledged the growing responsibility that comes with a larger audience and influence.

Videos of the event showed Cenat live streaming on Twitch from a vehicle, displaying gift cards intended for giveaway winners. As the crowd and police presence grew, he urged everyone to stay safe, stating that they would not proceed until it was safe to do so. Eventually, he and his entourage left the vehicle and made their way through the boisterous crowd, resulting in Cenat being surrounded by a cheering and pushing mob.

Chief Jeffrey Maddrey of the New York Police Department revealed that Cenat was removed from the scene for his safety and that police were in contact with him. News footage showed Cenat being lifted over a fence, placed in a police vehicle, and taken away.

The chaotic scene in Union Square left many in awe, with some comparing it to a movie. Teenagers in the crowd engaged in destructive behavior, swinging objects at car windows, throwing paint cans, and climbing on structures in the park. Police arrived in riot gear and faced a crowd that seemed out of control.

Skylark Jones, a 19-year-old attendee, described the scene as unruly, even before Cenat appeared. He and a friend had hoped to participate in the giveaway. Chief Maddrey confirmed that three officers were injured during the event.

While Maddrey emphasized that authorities are not against young people having a good time and gathering, he stressed the importance of maintaining safety. He stated, “But it can’t be to this level where it’s dangerous. A lot of people got hurt today.”

Cenat is scheduled to appear in court on August 18 to answer the charges against him. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and consequences associated with events organized by social media influencers.

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