Gradual expansion of cadres for all ships… Reduction of approximately 700 troops
By 2030, the Navy is pursuing ‘executiveization’ where all small ships are operated only by executives rather than carrying soldiers.
At the National Assembly National Defense Committee’s audit of government affairs held at Gyeryongdae on the 18th, the Navy is responding to the sharp decline in military service resources and is promoting the cadre and complete cadre of ships in order to secure the expertise necessary to maintain the combat posture of high-tech-intensive ships and complete the mission. “He said.
Cadetization is mainly applied to large ships. The ratio of officers will be increased as much as possible while maintaining the organization of soldiers in some military specialties such as decking and cooking. Complete cadre conversion is applied to small ships, and the unit composition is reduced by 100% and replaced with cadres.
The Navy has been piloting cadre training for some ships since 2022. There are currently a total of 12 demonstration ships. The demonstration ship is divided into cadre-modified and fully cadre-modified. The cadre conversion demonstration ships are eight, including six destroyers, one frigate, and one amphibious ship. There are a total of four fully cadreed demonstration ships: one minesweeper, guided missile ship, port patrol boat, and multipurpose training support boat.
The Navy said, “From 2022 to 2024, we have reduced the number of troops by about 180 through cadre and complete cadre,” and added, “By 2030, we will gradually expand cadre and complete cadre to all Navy ships, including the existing reduced force of 700.” “We plan to reduce the number of troops by 20,000,” he explained.
There are concerns that the work burden on executives may increase due to the ship cadre upgrade project. The Navy announced, “We plan to overcome this problem by integrating anchor watchkeeping, expanding the supply of cooking utensils and semi-processed corrosion to reduce cooking tasks, ship cleaning support projects, mooring support projects, and oil supply and demand support projects.”
At the National Assembly inspection on this day, the Navy ▲Expanded the performance capability of the maritime-based Korean 3-axis system ▲Established an AI-based maritime manned and unmanned complex combat system ▲Improved operational performance in the space, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum domains ▲Optimized the troop structure of executives and military personnel ▲Beginners and mid-level executives Major pending tasks, such as improving service conditions and improving human resources acquisition policies and systems, were explained.
In his greeting, Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Yang Yong-mo said, “North Korea is advancing its nuclear and missile development capabilities while carrying out base provocations, threatening peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.” He added, “Increasing uncertainty in the international situation, sharp decline in military service resources, and service conditions “It is a situation where there are scattered challenges that need to be overcome, including improvements,” he said.
He then emphasized, “The Navy is concentrating its efforts to actively prepare for the changing defense environment and realize ‘a strong Navy that the public trusts and the enemy fears.’”