2024-10-30 17:08:00
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The general secretary of the CGT firmly opposes the tightening of sick pay conditions for public employees and promises “mobilization” in the event of its adoption.
The head of the CGT is not angry. Guest of BFMTV’s morning program this Tuesday, Sophie Binet reacted violently to the proposal to tighten the conditions for public employee sick pay contained in the social security financing law for 2025. “Guillaume Kasbarian hates public employees. It has to stop.”he declared to the new Minister of Public Service.
As part of the next financial package, the latter intends to bring the civil service to three days of waiting, compared to the current one, in case of absence due to illness. The latter would also be paid less, with 90% of the salary paid, instead of 100%. The executive defends the alignment of the public and private sectors in this area. “It’s a lie, private sector employees in many cases have industry agreements that allow them to be compensated from the first day they are suspended from work”claimed Sophie Binet. “They make them appear privileged, while public employees are just waiting to be brought into line with private sector salaries”.
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Guillaume Kasbarian: “We want to increase the waiting days for public employees from one to three, as in the private sector”
“Stigmatizing public employees”
Rejecting any tendency towards«absenteeism» in public administration, Sophie Binet justifies the increase in sick leave for public employees “deterioration of working conditions” public employees. “In the public sector working conditions are worse than in the private sector, wages are lower”he estimated, citing the example of the public hospital. “Carers can’t take it anymore”he assured once again. According to the trade unionist, the measure taken by the executive will be a will “hit women head on”majority in the public service, which judges “very worried about short stops”for example in cases of endometriosis. “It is a populist and dangerous proposal”he warned.
For number 1 of the CGT there is no doubt: public employees act as “scapegoat” in the savings drive undertaken by the government. “We are not responsible for the debt, we have already paid it with the pension reform and the austerity of our salaries”, hammered the trade unionist. “If the government wants to find savings, all it has to do is listen to parliamentarians’ tax proposals regarding the richest. This is what we must work on and not stigmatize public employees who work for the general interest.”
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Absenteeism in the public service, this burden that increasingly weighs on the state budget
Under pressure, the minister insists and signs
While the review of the status of public employees (categories, lifetime employment, merit-based pay) initiated by former Minister of Civil Service Stanislas Guérini is still on the table, Sophie Binet has alerted the government. “All trade unions are against the review of the status of public employees”he assured. He warns that if the measure on tightening sick leave is adopted, “the mobilizations will continue” within the various public service professions. The owner of the factory does not rule out resorting to a strike, even if the option of a strike for departures at the end of the year is not favoured. “The CGT wants there to be trains for Christmas and for this reason we must be listened to first, we ask the government to review its budget, a dangerous text for the country”he explained.
Will the government be willing to listen to the trade unionist’s message? Nothing is less certain. Guest this Tuesday on RTL, Guillaume Kasbarian stayed the course. “I assume that I will not sweep the issue under the carpet, that I will not hide the drift of absenteeism in the public service and that I will contribute to budget savings for next year» , he declared. “We must send this signal of responsibility in a spirit of alignment with the private sector”he added again. In doing so, he took care to specify “nothing will change for long-term conditions”among which endometriosis can be classified. “These are measures that save 1.2 billion euros. I understand the difficulty, the reactions that this can generate, which not everyone likes and I assume my responsibilities”concluded the minister.
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#Sophie #Binet #sees #red #faced #proposals #Minister #Civil #Service
E CGT advocates for workers’ rights and is determined to oppose any measures that could harm public employees’ conditions. Sophie Binet emphasized the importance of mobilization and collective action should the proposed changes to sick pay for public employees be implemented. She argues that the proposed waiting period and reduction in pay represents a significant deterioration in working conditions, especially for vulnerable employees.
Binet challenged the government’s approach, claiming that public sector employees are being unfairly targeted in austerity measures despite their essential roles in society. She points out that the financial burden should not fall on public workers when wealthier individuals could contribute more through taxation.
As the situation evolves, the CGT is preparing to organize protests and mass mobilization to defend public employees’ rights and working conditions. The ongoing discussion highlights broader themes of labor rights, economic inequality, and the balance between public and private sector employment conditions in France.