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In Short
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On Wednesday, Katzenjammer vocalist Solveig “Sol” Heilo (42) discovered that her trailer had been stolen. The trailer contained all the musical instruments she owns, which had a total value of over a million kroner.
Heilo shared the news in a Facebook post, describing the theft as a loss of everything she relies on for her livelihood.
“There is my tour equipment, all my records, the drum set I built myself to wear on my stomach, all the instruments I use for recording, and even art I’ve created that I take with me on tour. Now I have nothing to play music with. This is my livelihood,” she wrote, among other things.
On Monday afternoon, the trailer was found and the musical instruments are said to be intact. The police were the ones who notified her of the discovery.
DISAPPEARED: Heilo discovered that the trailer was missing last week. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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Fake Plates
Dagbladet got hold of Heilo just as she arrived at her trailer in Gjettum, Bærum, around 2:30 PM on Monday afternoon.
– I am standing here now with the trailer attached to my car, and it has no plates. There were fake plates on it. It was found not far from where I live in Gjettum. I just had to drive five minutes, so someone must have dropped it off, she says.
Heilo does not hide that many emotions are running through her.
– I am in shock and completely trembling. I am very grateful, but now I just need to gather myself a bit. I will check if everything is in the trailer and that nothing is damaged, she says.
The Katzenjammer vocalist thanks everyone who has helped her on social media, as well as traditional media that has covered the case.
– I am so grateful, says the musician.
It was Budstikka that reported the case first.
Closed the Case
On Monday, the police confirmed that they had closed the case.
– It is correct that the case was reported on December 11. The case was closed the following day due to a lack of information about the offender and will not be further investigated by the police at this time, wrote police attorney Vilde Wigenstad in the Oslo police district to NTB.
The case could be reopened if new information about the offender comes to light, she stated.
Heilo was shocked by the decision and viewed the whole situation as difficult.
– First and foremost, my thoughts go out to others in the country who have had their valuables stolen and the police who do nothing about it. It is a total crisis that this is happening and that there are not enough resources in Norway to solve such cases, she told Dagbladet and added:
– Fortunately, I have a private investigator on the case and there is a reason why I hired him right away, and I am lucky to have had that opportunity.
Wants to involve a private investigator
Hired a Private Investigator
Heilo emphasized that she chose to stay positive and that she was very grateful for the support she had received.
– I am still incredibly grateful, touched, and almost in shock over the support and what has come in on Spleis. I chose to close Spleis yesterday as it had received so much that it felt morally right to end it. Now it feels like all of Norway is holding me, and I am eternally grateful for that.
Her manager, Pernille Torp-Holte, started a fundraising campaign to raise money to hire a private investigator. Heilo engaged the private investigation agency Etterforsker1.
– The trailer with undamaged contents can be returned anonymously, via Etterforsker1; then the report will be withdrawn, wrote Torp-Holte on Friday.
– Every day is psychological terror
Should there be any leftover funds, the singer considered purchasing some new instruments, and any excess contributions after that would be returned to the donors in consultation with Spleis, they further stated.
– If Heilo wishes to engage a private investigator, she is free to do so, wrote Wigenstad.
The police added that they can still be contacted at 02800 or tips.politiet.no if anyone has tips regarding the case.
Refund for Spleis Donations
Several hundred thousand kroner have been raised for the case before the weekend, and when the fundraising was stopped, 1865 donors had contributed 475,300 kroner.
Donors can now request a refund.
– All donors through Spleis have this afternoon received an update about a possible refund of the amount they contributed and will receive an email from Spleis about this.
If one does not wish to get the money back, the artist and her manager have a plan for this as well, says Torp-Holte in a text message, according to NTB.
– If there are leftover funds that donors do not wish to have refunded, these will first go towards covering the costs of the private investigator for the work they have done – and if there are any additional funds left, this will be donated in full to the Poverty House, they state, adding:
– Sol wishes to thank everyone who has contributed in any way. It is almost impossible to describe in words how grateful we are.