The SES made this determination after considering that the response from the San Sebastián University does not clarify the questions related to the hiring and evaluation of Cubillos, which “could constitute serious violations of the University’s internal regulations.”
The Superintendency of Higher Education (SES) announced that they will open an investigation into the San Sebastian University (USS)after all the controversy that has been generated from the revelation of the exorbitant salary he received Marcela Cubilloswhich reached $17 million gross.
The organization made this decision after considering iThe answer is not enough that the house of studies delivered.
“Last Tuesday the response was received from the San Sebastián University (USS) to the request of this Service to provide the background information regarding the hiring conditions of the former Minister of Education, Marcela Cubillos, and other officials who perform duties teachers and administrators in the institution,” the SES said in a statement.
In this context, they announced that “after an exhaustive review of the information provided, “The SES has decided to begin an investigation process into the USS today.”
In that sense, the Superintendency of Higher Education stated that “The information received does not allow us to completely clarify the questions that have arisen regarding the hiring, remuneration and evaluation of academic staff.which could constitute serious infractions of the internal regulations of the University.”
For this reason, the organization “has also arranged to carry out ato field inspection, with the aim of collecting evidence first-hand that allows us to accurately determine the scope of the facts investigated.”
In closing, the SES assured that said investigation ““It will take the necessary time to ensure robust conclusions are obtained.”. In addition to this, she warned that “she will be attentive to whether new elements may arise during the development of the investigation that may give rise to other lines of investigation.”