Supporting Agriculture and Community: An Interview with CEO Ronan Levinger of Dustphotonics

by time news

2023-12-07 01:00:00
CHIPORTAL Company Supports Agriculture and War Efforts Amidst Conflict

In the midst of the ongoing conflict in Israel, CHIPORTAL, a leading company in the field of fast optical communication, has been working tirelessly to support both agriculture and the war effort. CEO Ronan Levinger shared insights on how the company has been affected and the measures they have taken to contribute to the community during this challenging time.

Levinger revealed that despite the difficult situation, the company has managed to maintain full operational capacity and has not experienced any negative impacts on their business or supply chain. In fact, the company has continued to recruit new employees and has signed several large contracts with customers, marking a phase of growth for the company.

In addition to sustaining their business operations, CHIPORTAL has also been actively involved in supporting agriculture during the conflict. The company recently made a concentrated purchase of vegetables and fruits from the surrounding areas to support local farmers. Furthermore, the company is organizing a fruit-picking activity near Ashdod and has also arranged special events for children affected by the conflict.

Levinger also mentioned the overwhelming support received from customers, investors, and suppliers from around the world. The outpouring of support has been a source of encouragement for the company during these challenging times.

Despite the ongoing conflict and its impact on the community, CHIPORTAL remains committed to its growth and contribution to the community. The company’s efforts to support agriculture and engage in philanthropic activities are a testament to their dedication to serving the community amidst adversity.
#Industry #war #Ronen #Levinger #CEO #Dustphotonics #organized #birthday #parties #children #evacuated #Otaf

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