Swedish EU diplomat detained in Tehran, accused of cooperating with Israel

by time news

2023-12-10 16:06:16

For more than a year, Swedish Johan Floderus has been detained by Iran in Evin prison in Tehran, where many opponents of the regime are incarcerated. The European Union diplomat was accused at the start of his trial of cooperating with Israel against the Islamic Republic, state media said on Sunday.

Johan Floderus, aged 33 and arrested on April 17, 2022 at Tehran airport, has been on trial since Saturday for “corruption on earth” and for having participated in “acts against the security of Iran, through extensive cooperation in matters of intelligence with the Zionist regime”, according to the Judicial Authority agency Mizan Online. The start of his trial was announced on Saturday by Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom, without being confirmed by the Iranian authorities.

Accusation of spying for Israel

During this first hearing before Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, the prosecutor’s representative read the indictment in the presence of the defendant’s lawyers and a translator. The Mizan agency published a series of photos showing Johan Floderus appearing before the judges in the pale blue prison uniform and handcuffed.

According to the prosecutor’s representative, “the accused was active against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of intelligence collection for the benefit of the Zionist regime in the form of projects [visant à] overthrow the Islamic Republic [menés par] American, Israeli and European institutions known to be active against Iran.” “Among his other actions are trips to occupied Palestine, communication with agents” of Israel and “gathering intelligence on the programs of the Islamic Republic, which have nothing to do with the professional field of the accused “, he added.

Brussels renews its call for release

The head of diplomacy of the European Union once again called on Sunday for the release of Johan Floderus. “The EU continues to demand the immediate release of Johan Floderus,” Josep Borrell said in a statement, also affirming that he is “innocent” and that “there is absolutely no reason to keep him in custody.” in prison “.

“I raise his case at every opportunity and contact with the Iranian authorities since his detention, requesting his release,” he stressed, adding: “We are asking them for clarification and more information, in close coordination with the authorities Swedish authorities who assume consular responsibility. » Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom, who announced the start of the trial on Saturday, described his detention as “arbitrary” and his trial “baseless”.

#Swedish #diplomat #detained #Tehran #accused #cooperating #Israel

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