Symptoms of shingles: the incurable disease that is activated by stress

by time news

Hay virus that remain ‘asleep’ in the body, waiting for the perfect moment to activate and give battle, for example, the Herpes zoster. Is Viral infection causes a painful rash, affecting the nerves in the area where it occurs. Identify the symptoms of shingles: the incurable disease that is activated by stress.

If you want to know how to identify the symptoms of shingles, click on the main image of this note. Check the gallery that we prepared for you and discover how should this viral infection be treated to avoid complications in the body as nerve damage, blindness, or neurological problems.

What causes shingles?

The herpes zoster or shingles, as it is also known, it is a Viral infection which causes eruptions so painful that even the rubbing of the sheets can become unbearable. According to specialists at the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, the cause of the Herpes zoster is the same virus that causes the varicella during childhood, Varicella-zoster virus (VZV).

Symptoms of herpes zoster: the incurable disease that is activated by stress/ Photo: iStock

Just as you read it! Once we contract varicella, the virus can remain ‘asleep’ for many years without causing any problems. However, there are various factors that can reactivate it, causing a series of annoying signs. Click on the main image of this note and discover what are the characteristic symptoms of herpes zosteravoid complications.

Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that most people who develop shingles have an episode in their life, but it can be reactivated on more than one occasion, usually the Herpes zoster manifests itself through a single strip of blisters that wraps around the left or right side of the torso.

Can stress cause shingles?

The stress is one of the main reasons why the herpes zoster virusLet’s remember that the virus varicella zoster falls asleep in the nervous system tissue, but over the years, the body can weaken. before a high stress level, defenses drop and cause a state of immunosuppression that reactivates the herpes zoster virus.

Symptoms of herpes zoster: the incurable disease that is activated by stress/ Photo: iStock

So yes, the herpes zoster or shingles that is protected by the organism, it can be reactivated with the high levels of stress, extreme tiredness, physical or emotional tension, especially when they are not well controlled.

Besides of rash on the torsoIt can also occur on the face, eye, corneas, or brain. Although with the treatment symptoms can last from three to five weeks, it is best to cover the affected area, do not touch or scratch.

What complications does shingles cause?

The Herpes zoster It can manifest in any part of the body, the problem is that if it occurs in the eyes, it could cause serious complicationsbetween them, glaucoma, cataract, double vision or scarring of the cornea, describe specialists from American Academy of Ophthalmologybut also the following:

Postherpetic neuralgia: once the shinglesPresents itself Intense pain in the areas where you had the rash. Most of the time it goes away in a few months, but it can also last several years and interfere with the person’s quality of life.

Symptoms of herpes zoster: the incurable disease that is activated by stress/ Photo: iStock

balance problems: shingles it also affects the ear, causing temporary or lifelong problems.

Facial paralysis: if the rash sprouts somewhere on the face.

Loss of vision: If it affects the eye area or if you scratch and then touch your eyes, there is a good chance that lose sight temporarily or permanently.

If you want to know how to identify the symptoms of shingles, Click on the main image of this note. Check the gallery that we prepared for you and discover how should this viral infection be treated to avoid complications in the body as nerve damage, blindness, or neurological problems.

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