Tangier: End clap for the 15th edition of the MEDays International Forum

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Organized by the Amadeus Institute, under the theme “Polycrises, Polymonde”, this edition dealt with the multiple and complex crises and issues facing the world, in order to identify avenues for reflection capable of providing innovative responses, multidimensional and adapted to face the problems of the current era.

Speaking on this occasion, the President of the Union of the Comoros and current President of the African Union, Mr. Azali Assoumani, paid vibrant tribute to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for “His great availability to strengthen cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and other African countries, for greater progress and development.

The Comorian President also welcomed the holding of the MEDays Forum, which establishes itself, year after year, as a true forum of the South, within which experts and decision-makers meet to discuss the current situation and especially the perspectives of the countries of the South, and particularly the African countries.

For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad, Mamadou Tanagara, welcomed Morocco’s anchoring in Africa, being a pillar for African integration, stressing that the Kingdom of Morocco, thanks to the far-sighted leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, is at the head of the continent’s development project and the growth of South-South cooperation in Africa.

“The MEDays Forum is a place of meeting, exchange and proliferation of ideas,” noted the head of Gambian diplomacy, noting that “it is a moment of communion where we explore ways to the development of Africa and we analyze crucial issues for the future of the Continent.

For his part, the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Younes Sekkouri, affirmed that the MEDays Forum highlights the need for Africa to have strong Think-Tanks to examine the problems facing the continent, welcoming the choice of the theme of this edition, which refers to the diversity and multiplicity of risks, which can transform into crises if governments do not face them, to through effective measures to mitigate its severity.

The minister, in this regard, underlined that Morocco, thanks to the far-sighted vision of HM King Mohammed VI, has recorded numerous achievements in different areas, which have enabled it to mitigate risks or overcome them, mentioning, in this sense, the expansion of social protection programs to benefit approximately 22 million citizens and the upcoming launch of the direct support program for vulnerable groups and the direct housing assistance program.

He assured that the royal vision places the citizen at the heart of political, social and economic reforms, in order to strengthen their confidence in democratic mechanisms, affirming “that we cannot face crises, if society does not enjoy prosperity.”

Mr. Sekkouri noted that Morocco aspires, with its African partners, to create partnerships and fair and equitable rules that place the people of the continent at the heart of priorities.

As for the president of the Amadeus Institute, Brahim Fassi Fihri, he welcomed the success of this edition, which brought together 250 very high-level speakers who delivered, during 50 sessions, their analyzes and shed light on current themes to the 6,000 participants from more than 100 countries, noting that “the theme of this edition is sufficient to answer this question around the need to regroup once again here in Tangier to discuss the state of a world turned upside down by a multitude of crises, and continue to debate and exchange despite our differences”.

“Today we can carry out this type of exercise in Morocco, thanks to the far-sighted vision of HM King Mohammed VI, which allows us in this united, open and united country to debate all of these questions, in the brotherhood, despite our differences,” he said.

“It is more useful than ever to have a platform such as the MEDays Forum, and today we can proudly affirm that in Morocco, thanks to the specificity of this country, carried by the enlightened vision of HM the King, and this Moroccan Soft Power which makes us rich, we can bring together this collection of diversities to be able to find a meeting point around the need to engage in constructive dialogue,” he noted.

Mr. Fassi Fihri also underlined the imperative to come together around a few principles, namely the need to dialogue, to build a more independent and more sovereign Africa, to understand, to hear and to move forward.

He also underlined that the number of signatories of the “Tangier Appeal” for the expulsion of the pseudo “SADR” from the African Union, initiated during the previous edition of MEDays, currently amounts to 24, saying he was proud to note that “this dynamic is strengthening from year to year, to achieve this objective which was born from a pan-African spirit of consultation, so that our institutional family can regain its credibility on the question of the Moroccan Sahara” .

The main international non-governmental conference organized in Morocco, open to the general public and in particular to young people, the MEDays Forum attempted, once again in 2023, to highlight, through the multidimensional themes it addressed, the need to consolidate the sovereignty, independence and leadership of the countries of the South and the African continent in particular.

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