Taxation, maximum rental duration, DPE… Deputies and senators agree to regulate furnished tourist accommodation

by time news

2024-10-29 07:39:00

The reduction enjoyed by owners of classified tourist furnished accommodation should fall from 71% to 50%, with a ceiling lowered to 77,700 euros, and from 50% to 30%, with a maximum of 15,000 euros, for non-classified tourist furnished accommodation. classified. class.

Deputies and senators, meeting in a joint committee on Monday, reached a common version of a bill aimed at better regulating the market for furnished tourist accommodation such as Airbnb, the last step before its final adoption in Parliament, the two rapporteurs announced . “It’s a victory on an issue we’ve been discussing for a long time”greeted Iñaki Echaniz (PS) in front of the press on Monday evening, together with his colleague Annaïg Le Meur (Renaissance). The Senate is expected to adopt the text on November 5 and the Assembly on the 7th.

This CMP, made up of seven senators and seven deputies, worked to reconcile the Senate’s copy with that of the Assembly. On Monday it was made up of seven MPs from the government majority and seven from the opposition. On one of the main critical points, namely taxation, currently more favorable to short-term tourist rentals than to long-term ones, the deputies achieved a partial success.

More power to mayors

The reduction enjoyed by owners of classified accommodation facilities and guest houses should fall from 71% to 50%, with a ceiling lowered to 77,700 euros. For unclassified furnished tourist accommodation the reduction should range from 50% to 30% – as for unfurnished rentals -, with a maximum of 15,000 euros. “It’s already a big step forward”Ms. Le Meur stressed, even though her goal is to achieve rate alignment. “The aim now is to bring nudity to a higher level, i.e. 50%, as adopted by the National Assembly” last week as part of the budget review, “i.e. 40%”as the senators have committed to doing.

The senators agreed to allow municipalities to limit, if they wish, the maximum period during which the main residence can be rented to passing tourists to 90 days a year. Another point of disagreement between the Senate and the Assembly: the question of the obligation to diagnose energy performance. Newly furnished tourist accommodation will be subject to the ordinary calendar, the “action” obtain a period of ten years, instead of five, to obtain the D energy label, the Senate version. “There was a mountain and sea lobby extremely present throughout the text”Mr. Echaniz noted.

The text of the CMP ratifies other more consensual developments between deputies and senators, aimed at granting greater regulatory power to mayors, as well as to co-owners. Questioned by AFP, LFI MP Aurélie Trouvé regretted that the Assembly had made most of the efforts and that the compromise proposed by the deputies for the reduction of classified furnished accommodation, to 40%, was rejected by the Senate.

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