The player only obtained 6.99% of the public votes, so he had to leave the house.
The second season of Big Brother lived one of the most emotional nights this Monday after, by public decision, Yuhui became the eliminated one just days before the grand final.
The cook got only one 6.99% of preferences and had to leave “the most famous house in the world”, before the sad gaze of his companions. However, the one who made the Chinese player cry was Pedro Astorga after recognizing that that was one of the saddest moments he had experienced. Evenor Diana Bolocco herself could not hold back her tears.
In response to the athlete’s words, Lee assured that he had won something better than the reality show prize. “Now it makes me happier now that I’m leaving here“She said while wiping the tears from her face like Michelle Carvalho.
Yuhui acknowledged that he already wanted to leave Big Brother because getting together with his classmates was already a problem because “I don’t understand anything.” Still, he said that “I am very happy because I get out of here and I can hang out with the kids.“.
Although the recently eliminated wanted to say goodbye by assuring Diana Bolocco that “see you tomorrow” in the studio, the entertainer did not want to cut the link with the house. “You gained much more than the program, you gained genuine affection“He stated from the studio.
“What you said was beautiful. What you gained the most is having left that mark on your colleagues and expanding your circle. How beautiful what you said, you gained new tools, perhaps more self-confidence. You gained many things Yuhui and showed the world that pure souls exist,” he added.
Finally, the now former player wanted to add humor to the evening by ensuring that Michelle was born to be a reality girl, while Pedro was not. In fact, he revealed that the latter will teach you how to kayak.
As a surprise, Diana Bolocco wanted to show Yuhui the affection she had earned from the Big Brother audience and made him hear warm applause from the studio. “Thank you Big Brother, thank you Chilevisión,” he said, excited.