Ten hoaxes of aesthetic medicine in cancer patients

by time news

2023-04-17 09:14:11

False news about the personal and aesthetic care of cancer patients spread rapidly on social networks. We offer you a decalogue with the most common hoaxes about aesthetic medicine and cancer.

Diez bulos sobre medicina estética que afectan a pacientes oncológicosCancer is one of the pathologies with the most hoaxes in relation to aesthetic medicine. EFE/Biel Aliño

He cancer is an easy target for fake newsreason for the agreement signed between the #HealthWithoutBubbles Institute and the Group of Experts in Oncological Aesthetic Medicine (GEMEON) that pursues stop the hoaxes generated on the aesthetic medicine and the care of cancer patients, especially in social networks.

“False information or information without scientific evidence about aesthetic medicine and cancer patients harms the emotional state of patients. In addition, issues related to aesthetics tend to
belittle yourself in front of others fake news”, explains Dr. Margarita Esteban, president of GEMEON.

And study published in 2021 in the journal “International Journal of Environmental Research” reflects a marked decrease in self-esteem in women with breast cancer. Nevertheless, are also affected patients suffering from other types of tumors.

As he points out GEMEON expert groupthe circulation of myths on the Internet causes a body image distortion which falls directly on the mood of cancer patients.

That aesthetic medicine Be a open field for false news and information makes it necessary every day collaboration between institutions health workers, health professionals and communicators, to combat the presence of hoaxes y Improve Life Quality from the patients.

“Aesthetic medicine is one of the areas in which we have detected the most hoaxes,” he says. Carlos Mateos, coordinator of #SaludsinBulos.

Likewise, this institute offers users, through the website of #SaludsinBulosthe possibility of alerting before all those hoaxes that they detect in order to be the study and answer engine also one of the most alarmist headlines.

On the occasion of the signing of said agreement, both institutions have launched a Decalogue with the most common hoaxes that relate aesthetic medicine and cancer. Most revolve around the skin, the use of wigs, the practice of sport, aesthetic treatments and care related to the oncological process.

Decalogue of the most common hoaxes in aesthetic medicine and cancer

Ten are the main hoaxes that run through social networks and by word of mouth: from affirming that hair is always lost with cancer treatments, to that you have to eat everything to not lose weight or that sport is contraindicated.

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