Tereza Pergnerová is back after 19 years: Return to the Villa of the Chosen!

by time news

2024-10-06 17:03:00

The presenter’s visit to the Villa evoked unexpectedly strong memories full of nostalgia The Chosen Oneswhich brought her back to the limelight after escaping the drugs. The popular reality show ran on Prima TV screens between 2005 and 2013, and Tereza was a central part of it all the time.

“After nineteen years, I found myself in a place that reflects so many memories … I don’t think you can find this anywhere else.” wrote Pergnerová on her Instagram.

She found herself in Slovakia at a villa that temporarily became “home”. The Chosen Ones which was first settled in Prague on the Harf. “Do you remember when VV did they move from Prague to Slovakia under dramatic circumstances? And I stand here now… After so many years… And I’m really speechless,” she admitted excitedly.

In November 2005, Prima Television was forced to move its hit reality show entirely to Slovakia after getting into a dispute with the owner of the land where it built the TV villa over the payment of rent.

Life was different

It was clear, however, that Pergner’s memory of the old days both saddened her and forced her to reflect on life. “Real time. Everything was so new, invisible. Even life was completely different,” Pergner nodded. “It’s nostalgia… I was totally amazed at what it did for me,” confided Tereza, saying that she was happy that she could experience these moments with colleagues and participants of the reality show.

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Miscarriage during filming

During the first season of The Chosen, Pergner became pregnant unplanned. “I was there, I’m not anymore. I decided as a woman, I don’t have it, for two children,” she wrote to her in the autumn of 2005.

She was in Pilsen for an artificial termination of pregnancy. “My friends took me there in the morning, in the evening I was already standing in front of the camera and present in pain Selected,” confided Tereza later, who has a son Samuel (23) and a daughter Nathalia (16). She was born three years later. The first of four series The Chosen Ones by Tereza Pergnerová watch on average 1.5 million adultsthe final was even 2,207,000 viewers!

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