The battle for culture: how to protect the foundation of Russian civilization

by time news

2023-11-14 19:56:15

It is obvious that a state-civilization must have a history of significant duration, the presence of which confirms the strategic stability of civilization as a system. The presence of a centuries-old history allows us to say that civilization not only preserved its originality, but also created its own spiritual values, a common worldview, and a moral principle. In addition, a state-civilization must have a sufficient economy, a scientific and educational system, a significant level of technological and financial sovereignty, combat-ready armed forces, etc. Finally, the state-civilization is called upon to be aware of its role, significance and place in the world around us, to understand the principles of relationships with other civilizations, communities and peoples. In addition, the state-civilization must have its own image of the future and understand the strategy for achieving it.

There are not many state-civilizations on our planet. In addition to Russia, this type of state association includes China, India, the USA, the EU, and partly Brazil, Iran, and Japan. Experts name the Arab world, Latin America, and the African Union as entities with signs of civilization.

Without going into the system of evidence, I will note: many researchers have repeatedly noted that the fundamental unifying essence characteristic of Russian civilization is our culture in all the diversity of its essence, forms and manifestations. The fact that we live together throughout the entire vast space from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin and from Donbass to Chukotka is due to the fact that we not only speak the same language, but we also profess the same spiritual and moral values ​​based on a common culture.

In this part, culture from a civilizational point of view represents not only literature and art, but the entire complex of human relations, social organizations and spiritual phenomena. This includes language, traditions, way of life, peculiarities of life, and the whole complex of various social activities, including education, sports, media, and so on. Local patriotism and identity, pride in our small homeland, territorial brands are also part of our common civilization.

Of course, all this pervasive culture would be impossible without the formation of a huge centuries-old heritage, realized in literature, architecture, fine, performing, decorative and applied arts, as well as through the creation and functioning of various cultural institutions, environments and communities.

In fact, Russian civilization can be considered, without exaggeration, a cultural civilization, that is, a system whose integrity (goals and values) is ensured by culture. And this feature, as they say, obliges us to a lot.

It is no coincidence that changes were made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in which there was a place for culture in general, the Russian language, and recognition of the diversity and originality of the cultures of the peoples of Russia. With all responsibility, I dare to say that Russia is one of the few countries in the world whose Basic Law devotes a significant place to culture, and culture is guaranteed to be protected by state policy.

These circumstances predetermine the significant, essentially civilizational responsibility of culture for the present and future of our country and our people. But here, as they say, questions also remain that we, one way or another, need to answer. I am far from radical criticism of the Russian Ministry of Culture. We must pay tribute to Minister Olga Lyubimova; she really understands the civilizational significance of culture in the modern world. But there are problems nonetheless, and we have no right to downplay the importance of negative factors.

For example, for a long time we were told by various “sages” and “teachers of life”, who in the end, as a rule, were foreign agents, that culture, art, artistic creativity should develop freely, without the interference of society, that the viewer will figure it all out on his own… As a result, not only the stage, cinema, media, but also theater, fine art and even architecture were filled with various kinds of simulacra, promoting at best vulgarity and bad taste, and at worst misanthropy and treason.

This is, in principle, quite understandable and explainable. Weeds always grow better, take root easier, and are more difficult to eradicate. In this part, real culture is akin to cultivated agricultural plants: it also needs help, support and conscious creative participation of humans in growth and development. Using a different metaphor, I would like to say that if culture is not only the foundation, but also the supporting frame and the roof of our civilizational house, then it is logical if society and people constantly monitor the condition of these structures and periodically carry out routine or major repairs.

And here I cannot help but say that in the modern conditions of the CBO and the international pressure of the collective West, we absolutely need cultural mobilization.

Of course, now a lot is being done on the cultural front to bring our Victory closer in the Northern Military District. They create and stage plays about the Donbass and Northern Military District, publish books, make films, organize concerts on the front line, in hospitals, and in the rear. Even television, which for a long time fenced itself off from Donbass topics, began to pay significant attention to patriotism, our support for the Northern Military District and the promotion of patriotic cultural content.

But, as they say, this is not enough… There is still no feeling of civilizational changes and the irreversibility of what is happening. There is an absolutely clear understanding that a number of cultural figures and heads of cultural institutions still hope that soon “all this will end” and “everything will be as before.”

To be fair, it should be noted that there really is a possibility that after the Victory, after some time, everything will really “be as before.” And this is about the question of weeds and their vitality… Some of the cultural simulacra are able to wait out an unfavorable cultural environment for them for decades, first mimicking patriotic trends, and later, having strengthened, they will be ready to break them, returning the cultural context to the usual forms of bad taste and morality. degeneration.

Understanding all this, we must not forget about state cultural policy or the civilizational significance of culture. And here there is no need to be ashamed or show cowardice: if censorship is needed to fight weeds, then let’s introduce censorship. And here I would not be afraid of transferring emergency cultural and civilizational powers to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said at the end of 2019: “In my opinion, only one ideology is possible in a modern democratic society – patriotism.” And my friend, writer and politician Zakhar Prilepin at the beginning of 2020 outlined a very simple formula: “Everything that contributes to the preservation, strengthening and expansion of Russian civilization is civilized.”

And there really is nothing to add here. If we want to preserve our civilization, then it is necessary to carry out cultural mobilization on the principles of patriotism and strengthening the Russian state.

Culture has plenty of tasks here. And this is not only and not so much about censorship, prohibitions and restrictions. Cultural policy is, first of all, support for creative activities. In fact, cultural mobilization against the enemies of our civilizational development must be accompanied by cultural modernization to create conditions for the harmonious development of the country, regions and cities in all areas of activity, from the opening of cultural centers in rural areas to space exploration.

The cultural basis and ideology of patriotism must be traced in all our activities. And this applies not only to what we as a state and society must do constantly: defend the Motherland, raise children, develop the economy, modernize infrastructure, explore space… We must constantly produce new entities: give birth to ideas, create projects, develop and implement technologies. This is what cultural modernization consists of, when, on the basis of the common values ​​of culture and patriotism, we shape the present and future of our civilization.

I probably said a lot of pretentious and pompous words today, but, as Bulat Okudzhava said, “there is no need to be afraid of them.” In the end, it’s not so much about words as it is about deeds. Although the correct solution to a problem begins with the correct formulation of the problem. Sometimes it seems that some things may fade into the background, since the priority of the tasks of the SVO is obvious. But let me remind you that one of the tasks of the Northern Military District is denazification, and this is already an ideology, that is, a fight for the souls and hearts of people. And here the role of culture as the basis of our civilization is system-forming. For this simple reason, right now the cultural front is no less significant than the military front. And Victory on this front will also be ours. Otherwise it cannot be…

#battle #culture #protect #foundation #Russian #civilization

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